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Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The Awesome Predictive Power of Dreams

The following dream is described in my dream books, but I think it is worth revisiting it here. It clearly demonstrates something scientists are beginning to understand (see 9/11/2023 post), which is the predictive ability of dreams to show disease before it manifests physically. This dream occurred more than twenty years ago.


One night I dreamed that I saw a drop of blood go splat, and I heard a voice say, “In ninety days.” The scene switched to what appeared to be a doctor’s office. A nurse stood beside the doctor as he performed some procedure on me. The dream then ended. When I awoke with the memory of the dream, I was upset. I wondered if it was telling me I was going to have a stroke or a heart attack, although I was not in a dire condition in the doctor’s office. I felt fine and had no symptoms that would suggest an approaching health emergency. I paid close attention to my health for the next several days but found nothing out of the ordinary. I began to think that the dream meant something else and was not related to my physical health.


As ninety days approached, I began to think about the dream again. Then at exactly ninety days, I awoke from sleep and noticed as I got up that something was clouding the vision in my left eye. I went to the bathroom to look in the mirror, expecting to see some debris in my eye. But I found nothing. The eye appeared clear. I was due for my annual visit to my ophthalmologist, so I went to see him for what I hoped was a simple fix because the visual obstruction had not cleared.


He spent a long time examining my left eye, finally saying that what I was seeing was dried blood. He said it would eventually clear, and he added that it was normally a sign of a retina tear, but he couldn’t see one. Nevertheless, he wanted a specialist to look at it. He called a retina specialist, and I drove from his office to the specialist’s office for an appointment. I now knew that it may be serious.


The retina specialist spent a long time examining the eye, and he finally said there was a small tear in the corner of the retina, which caused the drop of blood. After several different eye drops were administered by a nurse, I sat in a chair while he performed a laser procedure, with the nurse beside him, to seal the tear. That fixed the problem, and I have never had any problems with thar eye’s retina since then.


I should add that during regular yearly appointments, no problem with the retina was ever found. And I had no symptoms or forewarning that the tear would occur. I think the dream is a great example of the predictive ability of the subconscious mind to not only see a problem developing, but to calculate exactly when it would manifest physically. It predicted the drop of blood on the exact day it would occur ninety days ahead of time. And it determined that it would be corrected by a relatively simple procedure.


The subconscious mind, seeing the problem developing, informed my conscious mind through a dream. In this case, there was little I could do other than to prepare myself psychologically for some health event. The fact that the dream showed me conscious and alert in the doctor’s office undergoing a procedure that did not appear to be a major operation comforted me.


The dream was predictive for the blood splat that happened in exactly ninety days. But what about the treatment of the problem. How could my subconscious know how the problem would be resolved? Was it also making some calculation concerning treatment based on the nature of the problem? I don’t normally give this as an example of precognition because most of the dream can be explained as the operation of the predictive power of the subconscious. And I have better examples for precognition. But the dream does show that our dreams can predict a health problem long before it manifests physically.


Do not just write off this dream as a singular example that you consider a coincidence. It demonstrates what scientists are discovering about the predictive power of dreams for disease. Take some time to reflect on that. Think about how much grief could be avoided if you knew ahead of time that some disease was developing or about to develop in your body. You could act to either avert the disease or reduce the effects of it. A dream issues a warning for a reason—to address the issue before it becomes a critical problem. This may mean changing your diet, getting more exercise, or reducing stress levels—or getting some medical procedure.


Your dreams are for your benefit. The subconscious is continuously monitoring your blood and internal organs right down to the cellular level. Some may say, I don’t want to know if a disease is developing or will develop. I don’t want to change my habits and attitude. You have that right, and the cemeteries are full of people who died early because of it. Health experts encourage people to get various preventive tests for intestinal tumors, heart disease, risks of stroke, and for women, breast cancer. Your subconscious is monitoring your body all the time and sending you dreams to warn you of any problems. You don’t have to leave your house, and it is free. Take advantage of it.


Now some of you may want to start studying your dreams but you can’t remember them. I believe that this can be overcome with the use of the power of suggestion right before you fall asleep. Tell yourself that you will remember your dreams upon awakening. See yourself remembering your dreams when you get up. You must be serious about remembering your dreams and not afraid of them. You may have to repeat this procedure for several days before you get results.


Your sincerity and desire to get help from your dreams can be further demonstrated by having a notebook handy or audio recorder to record your dreams. Dreams can be fleeting and when you recall a dream, firmly fix it in your mind before you even get out of bed. That simple movement can cause you to lose the dream.


If you are afraid of what you may find in your dreams, you are likely to suppress them. You must believe they are for your benefit and want to understand their messages. Daily meditation is important and helps establish your intent to receive guidance for you daily life. It opens the channel of communication with higher powers, and you will find improved dream content along with spiritual direction and the awakening of your paranormal abilities.


I will say more about it in a later post, but recording your dreams is essential for real progress in understanding your dreams. Often when you cannot interpret a dream, it will be part of a pattern. Recurring dreams in various guises are extremely important, but without a record of your nightly dreams, the pattern may not be recognized. Also, your memories of details can deteriorate quickly, and without the record of a previous dream you may have lost critical details when you decide to examine it later.





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