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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Political Interference in Climate Change Message

Scientists have labeled climate change as the greatest threat that humanity faces. Yet, we see the Trump administration interfering with the ability of one of our most prestigious organizations (NOAA) to deliver a message that is supported by their research. See Previously, I have clearly stated my overall views concerning the choice we face in this election. Unfortunately, with the focus on the coronavirus, not much attention has been paid to climate change and the stark differences in the approaches of the two candidates.


Joe Biden is proposing a massive program to start a transition off fossil fuels. President Trump claims it will bankrupt the economy and he wants to ignore climate change. I think what is lost in the debate is the fact that many parts of this country, in addition to large areas globally, are already in great danger. We are seeing this with the fires in California and Colorado, which have been directly attributed to climate change. The number of named storms this hurricane season has set a record with another one about to strike the Gulf Coast. This is only the beginning of a trend I will address in more detail in future posts.


Whether or not you believe climate change is caused by human activity, it is clearly happening. Losses to property and life are growing with the future looking quite ominous. If we allow our information to be controlled by politicians, we are headed for disaster. President Trump controlled much of the messaging to the American people concerning the coronavirus, and we now know the result of that. He frequently provided false information and refused to abide by the recommendations of the infectious disease experts, falling victim to the virus himself. Unfortunately, most Americans are not likely to receive the level of care he received; in some states, they are saying they might have to ration the care with only those most likely to survive receiving treatment.


If your job is lost and your house is destroyed because of climate change, it will be small comfort for you to hear from the Republicans that they were wrong. You will probably not hear it from Trump because he doesn’t admit making mistakes. The scientific evidence is overwhelming that the earth is getting warmer and humans are responsible for much of it. When politicians decide to stifle or distort the message of the scientific community, we are in serious trouble. We are no longer a democracy. President Trump warns us about the liberal left and fake news when he is a far greater threat and generates more fake news than any other president in our history has generated.


In future posts, I hope to be able to provide concrete guidance from my dreams concerning climate change. I have had several dreams over the years that deal with different aspects of it, which I will summarize in another post. Hopefully, I can provide warnings about some threats before they become reality. I believe that this is the defining decade for humanity. The condition of humanity in 2030 will depend on our ability to unite and apply our creativity and ingenuity to deal with an existential threat.


As I have stated in previous posts, I am not a member of a political party. I want to see the Republicans and Democrats come together to address a threat facing all of humanity. Unfortunately, I do not see this happening under another four years of Donald Trump. I think that Joe Biden will at least try to unite the parties to deal with this crisis, and he is the only major candidate with a plan to address climate change. If we have four more years of Trump with his current approach to climate change, after his term ends, I believe it will be too late to prevent the unthinkable.

Friday, October 23, 2020

The Election and Personality Versus Policy

The official Election Day is fast approaching, and many people have already voted through early voting or mail-in voting. I am one of those who sent my ballot in last week. In listening to all of the arguments for electing Trump for four more years, I am struck by the large number of his supporters who say they don’t like the man or his behavior, but they like his policies. I am not sure you can really separate the two.


President Trump has had a policy of America first, which I believe reflects his personality of self-first. And I believe his immigration policies also reflect that personality. His lack of a health-care plan for the United States shows his unconcern for the many dependent on Obamacare. He has claimed for almost four years that the Republican’s plan will be superior to the current Obamacare in all regards, but a plan is still not forthcoming. But he still tries to kill Obama Care with no replacement. What is his health care policy?


Our response to the coronavirus has desperately needed a national policy. There is none. Even now, President Trump holds large rallies with thousands seated side-by-side with few masks. The most effective means for slowing the virus, which includes physical distancing and the use of masks, has been spurned by Trump from the beginning. He has no plan for dealing with the virus other than a vaccine, which for most Americans will not be available until next spring. And then it will be some time before enough people are inoculated to be effective in slowing the spread of the virus.


President Trump is dealing with climate change the same way he dealt with the coronavirus. His policy is to mostly ignore it and hope it will go away. But climate change is not going away and this country desperately needs to prepare for it through a national plan. As the destruction from storms, droughts, and flooding increases, there will be no vaccine for preventing nature’s fury. The recent fires in California and Colorado are directly attributed to a warming climate and longer dry season. And so is the record number of named storms this year. We need a plan to address climate change; we need a plan for feeding, clothing, and providing housing for the displaced.


I believe that we have already passed the tipping point and some of the changes we will experience this decade cannot be avoided. We must prepare for major climate-related effects on our livelihoods and quality of life. As Joe Biden stated in the final debate, it is an existential threat. Without a plan, when nature’s full fury is felt, it will be too late to help many in dire circumstances.


President Trump has been busy undoing many of the regulations put in place by President Obama to protect the American people. He sees them as a hindrance to businesses and a drain on the economy. Of course, he is not drinking polluted water or watching his children die from the effects of toxic chemicals.


I think that when most people say they like Trumps policies they really mean they believe they personally are better off economically with him as president. They don’t think climate change is a big threat to them, they probably have health insurance, and they care little about letting more immigrants into this country. Some fear that they will lose their right to choose their own doctors under the Democrats, their taxes will increase, and that lazy people will get handouts from the government. They believe that President Trump has been great for job growth. He would have you believe he has been the best with the greatest economy ever. If you believe that, I suggest you read the Forbes’s article titled Obama’s Last Three Years Of Job Growth All Beat Trump’s Best Year by Chuck Jones published on February 7, 2020.


Donald Trump has a way of exaggerating his accomplishments to make you think they were the greatest ever. The reality is usually much different. As far as jobs and the economy are concerned, his tax cuts gave us nearly a trillion dollar budget deficits prior to the coronavirus during a time when we were not in a recession. The deficit should have been brought down. The reason given for the tax cuts was to grow the economy (GDP) at above 4 percent. This never happened. The GDP growth has been between 2 and 3 percent.


The budget deficit for the government’s fiscal year just completed was $3.1 trillion dollars because of tax cuts and the coronavirus. We will probably need to add several trillion more in the current fiscal year to prevent a recession. The national debt is growing to a level many consider dangerous. As the US experiences trillions of dollars in losses from climate change, where will the money come from to address these costs? Many states are already bankrupt because of the coronavirus.


Let’s consider his trade policies and foreign relations. Even what he considers a phase one with China is questionable. China has yet to meet their commitments, although they have recently increased their grain purchases. Now his attacks on China over the coronavirus are putting any further progress at risk. And the loss of leadership in the world arena by the US under Trump may have long lasting effects. Our allies no longer trust the US as being dependable, which limits our future influence.


I believe that all of President Trump’s key policies are a reflection of him as a man. He cares little for other people and everything he does he makes about him. I don’t need to put a label on his personality; others have already done that. I think it is a big mistake to think you can separate the policies from the man. Those who are disturbed by his behavior as a man, but support his policies, need to take a closer look at what his policies really mean for the long-term health of this country. Other countries will see and judge the behavior of the US much as we see and judge the behavior of Donald Trump as a man because the policies will reflect the personality of the man.


We are all united in a fundamental and deep way. Those who do not recognize this should not be in a position of responsibility and leadership for an entire nation. A humane leader of the most powerful nation on earth casts a benevolent influence over the entire world; an inhumane US leader casts a cloud of animosity and disharmony over the world. As a nation, we need to tell the world that lying, cheating, and stealing are not the values of the American people. We are a people who stand for honesty and fairness, and individuals without those values should not represent us.


Both President Trump and Joe Biden made their points in the final debate. I think the American people were able to see the clear differences between their values and vision for America. Joe Biden gave a beautiful summary of his vision when answering the final question. In contrast, Trump used a scare tactic by claiming the US would experience monumental recession under Joe Biden.


After listening to many pundits and reading numerous articles, it seems clear that the coronavirus is the key issue going into the final days of the election. Voters have to decide if Trump did a good job in his coronavirus response or demonstrated a complete lack of leadership.


I remind people that the medical experts are consistent in their recommendation that each American do three things: wear a mask in public, socially distance, and frequently wash their hands. President Trump has never addressed the American people to emphasize the importance of these actions. In fact, as stated previously, he is now conducting rallies in Florida where I live with images of people packed together with few wearing masks. For many months, he refused to even wear a mask himself. His core supporters still believe that wearing a mask and social distancing aren’t necessary because that is the message they got from him.


I consider Trump’s actions irresponsible and the most grievous failure of leadership during a crisis. He has continuously fed disinformation to the American public and must bear the direct responsibility for the more than 200,000 deaths. The simple act of the President of the United States addressing the American people, holding up a mask, and explaining the necessity for all Americans to follow the three recommendations from the experts could have saves thousands of lives.


I am an independent voter and do not agree with all of the positions of either major party. But I see four more years of Trump creating a division in this country from which we may never recover. And I believe that four more years of a lack of response to global warming will be catastrophic for this country. Trump has no background in science, but he thinks he knows best. Beware of the person who never admits a mistake and claims to know everything better than the experts do. Do you want a petulant 12-year-old or and adult running the country?

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

A Storm Is Coming

I had an unwelcome dream last night. Nevertheless, it must be acknowledged and psychologically I think we must prepare for a challenging situation. I do not think the dream pertains to only my individual situation because other people were in the dream who were also in danger. So I recount part of the dream here.


The danger seen was in the form of an approaching storm, and it was part of a more involved dream. However, I only focus here on the approaching storm. I had left a meeting held in a large conference room and walked to some floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the area below. The floor I was on was the top floor in a high-rise building. As I looked out of a window, I saw an enormous formation of black clouds rapidly moving toward the building. People began running from all directions. Frightened, I rushed to the elevators where another man was trying to open the door to the stairwell. He looked at me and said, “Don’t take the elevator. It isn’t safe. We need to take the stairs. He had trouble opening the door, but I think he finally got it opened. Then the dream ended.


The last time I had a similar dream was a few weeks before the coronavirus hit. At that time, I did not post it because it lacked detail and could have just involved my individual situation. This dream also does not provide detail about the nature of the storm, but throughout my life I have learned that such dreams are strong warnings and not to be taken lightly. In this country, we are facing many challenges, each one of which could explode into a dangerous situation. Of course, the approaching storm could be something completely unforeseen as well. I got the feeling in the dream that it was approaching very rapidly and there was little time before it hit. With the coronavirus and resulting economic hardships for many people, you may think the storm has already hit. And one storm did, but we may be about to get another one.