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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Dreams and the Illusion of Privacy

Although considered by many to be a basic right, privacy is a challenge for modern society. Some go to great lengths to protect their privacy by having little to do with other people.

Others who don’t want to live an isolated life find that they are more exposed than ever before through the Internet. They either can’t or don’t what to seriously restrict their lives, so they take precautions through security software and controls on sensitive accounts. 

However, a smart hacker will still find ways to access protected information. Companies are spending millions of dollars to try to stay ahead of the hackers, but the problem remains a serious one that companies often seem to be losing. 

The privacy issue is not restricted to financial accounts, which also contain some personal information such as your social security number, address, and telephone numbers. It extends to every aspect of our lives. 

One of the things I discovered when I began to work with dreams was the connectivity between all people. Interchanges with family, friends, and even strangers of which we have no conscious awareness are ongoing on a unconscious level. 

Sometimes the interchange is seen in our dreams. If you work with your dreams and have discussions with other like-minded people, at some point you will discover that a friend or acquaintance has a dream about you that involves a situation or event that you wanted to remain private. When this first happened to me many years ago, I was shocked. The person dreamed in detail about something I wanted to remain secret. 

If you have ever had a reading from a person with psychic ability, you may find that he or she also picks up facts about your personal life that you consider private. This is the nature of things. 

I am not suggesting that dreamers or psychics can decide to find out everything that you wish to keep private. There is generally a reason they tune into the particular information they receive. And other personal information might not be made available to their conscious minds, particularly if they have a less than honorable intent. 

However, the fact remains that what are barriers in the conscious, physical world are not barriers in the non-physical world. If you are cheating on a spouse or partner, that person may well have a dream showing that you are having an affair. 

And the parent who dreams his or her child is doing drugs may be alerted to a real situation, even when the child thinks he or she has been too careful to be detected. 

What other people think about you, and what you should or shouldn’t do, is often revealed in your dreams as well. 

The fact is that real privacy is an illusion. We are all interconnected, and to achieve what most consider true privacy, we would have to be the isolated, separate beings that some think we are. 

The model of the universe we see through our dreams is a different one than common vision shows us, but it is also more real. And this world does not contain some of the barriers we see in the physical world or the generally accepted concept of privacy. 

I am not suggesting that you stop protecting certain information that thieves could use to harm or steal from you. My goal is to make you aware that certain private information may be exposed regardless of your best efforts to keep it protected. 

Conversations and events that you think are hidden from family and friends might not be as concealed as you thought.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Dreams and Medications

In my posts, I have tried to show the value of dreams. Sometimes dreams are far from earth shaking, but collectively they can greatly enhance the quality of life.

My book has received little notice, possibly because I am not promising people instant riches, power, or Nirvana. I do not claim that you can solve all of your problems by interpreting a few dreams. However, you might make a striking discovery, solve a problem, or avoid a disaster. 

The benefits you receive will be directly proportional to the effort you make. You can, as I did, make substantial improvements to your life by working with your dreams. Today I provide another example of the benefits of paying attention to one’s dreams. 

Medical doctors have known for some time that certain medications can cause strange dreams. But there is another side to this. Dreams can also provide advice and cautions about medications. 

A few years ago, I was taking a low dosage aspirin each day, not for a medical problem, but because I believed it would have certain health benefits. Recent findings have brought potential health benefits into question, and many doctors no longer think the benefits outweigh the risks. You can find many articles about this with a simple Google search. 

One night I had a dream showing me with a bottle of aspirin and a bottle of vitamin C. A voice in the dream said I should take them together. A few weeks passed before I got around to doing some searches to try to understand that advice. I found the following article, which you might find interesting. 

The article explains that even taking an enteric-coated aspirin, which I was doing, does not remove the risk of the aspirin causing gastrointestinal bleeding. However, taking aspirin with vitamin C apparently does reduce the risk, at least according to one study.

I am not providing any medical advice about taking aspirin with or without vitamin C. You should discuss this with your doctor. I did find it interesting that my dream brought something to my attention, of which I was completely unaware, that has some support in the scientific community.

Apparently, my subconscious thought combining vitamin C with aspirin would be beneficial for me.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Dreams of Global Changes

The probable global future is much more difficult to see than your individual future. The reason for this is simple: many are feeding energy into the creation of that future. 

Nonetheless, sometimes there are clear trends, although often not apparent to the conscious mind, which can be picked up by the subconscious. These trends can relate to the planet, such as in climate change, the stock market, conflicts between nations, and changes in the norms of society.

The subconscious can store and process vast amounts of information, from your individual life and from telepathic interactions with other people and events. It will see patterns and form conclusions, which then might be passed to your conscious mind through dreams.

The conscious mind does not always know why a particular piece of information finds its way into a dream. Often, though, the subject is of interest to your conscious mind, something you thought about before falling asleep, or is just something the subconscious thinks you need to know. 

Often there are great out-of-time events in dreams that are difficult to place in the context of one’s daily life. A strong dream might make an event seem imminent, but its physical occurrence in the world of time as we know it might be many years off. This is why events that are prophesied often do not occur when indicated by the prophet. And the event might never happen because it was only a probable future, albeit at times a likely one.

In a dream, I was shown the difficulty in determining the exact shape of the future. The shape is one that is constantly changing, morphing into new forms, fed by the energy of billions of souls. 

You might find a clue about the occurrence of an event through its association with another known event. When the known event occurs, then you can look for the predicted event. Occasionally, you might be given a precise time, but I have found this to be the case more for personal events rather than global ones.

I once dreamed that a health-related event would occur in ninety days, and it happened in exactly ninety days as predicted. I have dreamed about earth changes, but I have not been given a timetable. 

In one dream, I was in a city for an overnight stay when I had the following dream. A voice said the area would not be safe when the earth-axis shift occurs. It said the area would be inundated. 

Of course, this dream could be related to something other than earth changes. However, the fact that I was in a coastal city in a high-risk area, if major earth changes occur, and there was a voice in the dream usually indicative of a literal message, makes me think the dream was a warning about coming changes. No timetable was given. 

I have an entire chapter in my book dealing with time and prophecy. I discuss earth changes in the context of both dreams and visions that others have had relating to climate change and its potential consequences for humanity. The seemingly crazy prophecies by prophets of doom thirty years ago are now being seen as real occurrences. 

Consider the recent weather in New England and some of the other extreme weather-related events such as disappearing landmasses. As changes occur, many will see signs in their dreams forewarning of coming global events. And if you are paying attention to your dreams, you will be in the right place at the right time and need not worry.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Changing the Future—Example 2

The following dream is the second example of a dream of the probable future that I could change. This example is also included in my book The Man Who Sees Tomorrow in His Dreams. 

This dream is different from my first example because this dream reflected what would continue to happen rather than something new occurring, unless I changed. In the first example, something bad was going to happen if I didn’t change my behavior. This dream reflected a continuing unpleasant situation for my future, unless I changed. 

In the dream, I was a slave aboard a ship subjected to a severe taskmaster. A voice in the dream said, It would not be nearly so bad if you didn’t struggle so much.

At this point in my life, early in my professional career, I was very unhappy with my job and felt trapped, like a slave on a ship. For several reasons, an immediate job change was not feasible. 

Psychologically and emotionally, I strongly resisted my situation. There was little outward display, but inwardly I was in turmoil. If I continued on that course, nothing would change and I would undoubtedly have become very bitter. 

The dream was clearly saying that I should learn to go with the flow and my situation would improve, if not outwardly, then inwardly in terms of my state of mind. I was making the job situation much worse than it needed to be.

I spent several weeks thinking about the dream and the situation with my job. Finally, I began to make some small changes in my outlook, and then with some success, I found opportunities for greater change. 

My state of mind began to improve gradually, and soon the job itself showed improvement with greater opportunities and satisfaction. The outer conditions reflected the inner changes. Eventually, I worked into a position I truly enjoyed.

Later, while managing people, I sometimes saw my earlier self in those who reported to me. And often my challenge as a manager was not to instill some new technical skill, but to help the individuals see that the limitations and problems they saw were frequently of their own making. 

In the process of earning a living, we are always facing challenges. As a manager for many years, I constantly reminded myself that if there were no problems for me to solve, my position would be redundant. I was paid to deal with challenges, and a bad situation or job can always be improved with the right attitude. 

Dreams of a probable future that we can change can occur in a variety of ways. Whether we want to change some situation or just want to avoid an unpleasant event lying in our future, the answer lies in the present. In the present, we can make changes for a better future. And views from our dreams can help us become aware of and accomplish those changes.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Dreams of a Future We Cannot Change—Example 1

In an earlier post, I described two types of dreams of the future: dreams of events we can change and those we cannot change. I gave an example (more to come) of a dream about the future state of my health that could be changed. Now I will provide an example of a dream of a future event that I could not change, but for which I could prepare myself psychologically, and perhaps in other ways. The dream is one that is also discussed in my book The Man Who Sees Tomorrow in His Dreams

At the time of the dream, I was working for a small technical company in a satellite building a short distance from the main building. Work was normal and I had no conscious reason to be concerned about the company or my job. One evening I dreamed that I saw two tornadoes hit the buildings. A large, powerful one hit the main building and a smaller, less powerful one hit the satellite building where I worked. 

The interpretation of dreams was still relatively new for me, but I had enough knowledge to realize it was not a good omen. I thought about the dream the next day and finally concluded there was only one interpretation that made sense. Something bad was going to happen to the company that could potentially affect my job.

I began to prepare myself for what I saw as a coming storm. I updated my resume and focused on the positive with regular periods of meditation. The dream did not show major destruction to the building where I worked, so I thought I might be spared. And I did not have any other dreams that showed me losing my job. 

Within two weeks, the company announced that it had lost a major contract that had previously been renewed automatically. Major layoffs were made in the main building and a much smaller percentage in my building. I kept my job, but some coworkers and friends were not as fortunate. 

Anyone who has experienced layoffs in his or her career knows that it is not a pleasant experience and has some effect on all employees, not just the ones who lose their jobs. I believe the dream helped prepare me for a traumatic event I could not change. 

Due to the warning, I was able to view the layoffs with greater calm than many of my coworkers, some of whom were completely distraught. This view of the future gave me a sense that I would not be caught completely off guard by events in my life, but would receive warnings, when appropriate, to prepare me emotionally for trying times.