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Saturday, October 31, 2015

Astral Projection

Some teachers of metaphysics have said that we routinely leave our bodies during sleep. I know of many occasions when I was certain I was out of body and not just having a normal dream. In one of my previous posts called Dreams and Two Aspects of Mind (1/30/2015), I gave an example of a dream involving astral travel. I have had numerous others over the years.

About month ago, I had an interesting experience related to astral projection while waking up. I had read a long time ago that if we were alert and kept watch, eventually we would catch ourselves leaving or entering our bodies as we fall asleep or awaken. 

In my case, I was starting to wake up, not yet fully conscious, when I became aware of myself making a fast rotation like a spinning top as I reentered my body. So I did indeed catch myself returning from a nightly sojourn.

In the past, I have had experiences of feeling like I snapped back into my body upon awakening. But this is the most dramatic one. I actually experienced the reentry into my body.

Updates to Posts

As part of my effort in compiling my posts into a book, I have reviewed all of the previous posts and made editorial changes to many of them. In some cases, I found a word was missing, misplaced, or used incorrectly. In other cases, I found some posts were not as clear as I would have liked. 

These posts typically dealt with more abstract topics like the mind and time. I have edited them in an attempt to clarify some of my points.

Overall, I think many of the paragraphs were too long, so I have shortened them. This is in keeping with current writing standards for blogs. I also want to ensure a level of consistently among the posts, so I have used the same font and size for all the posts in their updates. 

Hopefully, the posts are now more readable. I cannot guarantee that they are error free, but many of the errors have been fixed. 

Proofing copy is a real art, and sometimes even my repeated reading of a post does not reveal an error. I use spell and grammar checks before I post an item, but errors have still found their their way into the final copy.

If you find an error or think something I wrote is confusing, please comment on it. I will be grateful for your feedback, and it will allow me to fix a problem right away. So far I have not had any comments on my posts, so I don't know if I am getting my points across.  

I have not yet made the changes to the posts on the blog on my website thepropheticdreamer.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Rain and More Rain

In my last post, I wrote about some severe weather in South Carolina with rainfall that broke all previous records. And now, we are seeing this happening in Texas.

During the hurricane season, some areas of the US often receive large amounts of rain due to hurricanes or tropical storms, resulting in flooding and power outages. However, the amount of rain in South Carolina and Texas is not normal even for the hurricane season, and it has broken existing records. The weather experts attribute the conditions to an unusually strong El NiƱo, and warnings have been given that some areas of the US should expect severe weather this winter.

My last dream concerning weather indicated that weather would get increasing worse during the next 10 – 15 years. There may well be periods of relative quiet, but the dream forecast worsening weather overall. 

I personally think we will see increasingly larger storms with rainfall records being shattered in many parts of the world. This does not mean all areas will experience more rainfall. More rain may occur in some areas and severe drought in other areas.

In another earlier dream in my post on 5/07/2015, I was told that food shortages would occur in China in three years. Severe weather that causes flooding in some areas and drought in other areas could certainly lead to food shortages. Crops may be destroyed or wilt, depending on the conditions, but in either case they are lost.

Pay attention to your dreams and events such as these will not leave you caught unaware. Climate change is real, and the effects are going to be felt worldwide. I will continue to post dreams that might be warnings about future severe weather or earth changes.

I found an error in my post of 8/04/2015. When I provided an update to my earlier post about storms and food shortages, I mentioned a food shortage occurring in China in two years. It should have been three years, as stated in my original post about this. I verified that three years is correct by going back to my original recording of the dream, and I have corrected this error in the post.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Kindle Availability

In addition to its availability on as a paperback, The Man Who Sees Tomorrow in His Dreams is available on Kindle devices.

Book Availability

The Man Who Sees Tomorrow in His Dreams: With Faith, So Can You is available on

Kirkus Indie Review for The Man Who Sees Tomorrow in His Dreams

"Readers of spiritual and self-help books will appreciate how Desautels frankly says that his dreams only point the way to action; in dreams regarding his diet or exercise routines, for example, he notes that the actual waking-world work is all up to him. This practical turn makes the book consistently rewarding.

The intriguing story of how one man harnessed his dreams and changed his life."

Kirkus Indie, Kirkus Media LLC, 6411 Burleson Rd., Austin, TX 78744

The complete review can be found at indie@kirkusreviews. 
My website is I have included a separate page for Europe with links for ordering from

Sunday, October 4, 2015

A Precognitive Dream About Storms Becoming Fulfilled

Today I checked the news and found the top story on CNN is about unprecedented rain and flooding in South Carolina. According to CNN, “President Barack Obama has declared an emergency in South Carolina.” 

If you have not read my posts or have forgotten what I wrote, I suggest you read my posts of 5/07/2015, 8/04/2015, and 8/18/2015. The first two are about the prediction of a major rain event in South Carolina, and the last one is about what we can expect concerning weather for the next 10 – 15 years.

I don’t know if anyone in South Carolina read my posts when I published them, but clearly our dreams can help us prepare for such events. If we are wrong or things change and the events do not occur, no harm is done and we are probably much better prepared if such events should occur in the future. 

As I write this, it is raining where I live in Florida. Although rain is normal this time of the year, we have had record amounts the past few months. Florida, South Carolina and Texas have all seen record rainfall this year. And similar conditions have been seen in other parts of the world, not just the United States

Pope Francis recently made a plea to President Barack Obama about the urgent need to address climate change. I believe that things will only get worse, and we must all wake up to the rapid changes in climate. Pay attention to your dreams and be forewarned about dangerous situations and events that might affect you and your family. 

My thoughts and prayers go out to those in harm’s way. During my lifetime, I have lived through major storms, and an all-consuming fear can be present. The danger to you or your family, as well as the threat of your house or livelihood being washed away, can make you numb. 

I have always been a proponent of advance preparation and being proactive, which is probably why I give such importance to dreams. You do not need to be blindsided by such events in your life. I believe a source of help is available that is unrecognized by most people, and that source is your dreams.