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Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Dreams and the Courage To See

I have been working with my dreams for over fifty years and I am still learning. Despite my mistakes and shortcomings, I have experienced great success and reaped numerous benefits. Over the years, I have known other people who tried to interpret their dreams without much success. I believe the reason for their lack of success is that they dabbled. Before studying your dreams, you must ask yourself if you really want to know what they are saying. Are you serious about deciphering their messages?


In my books, I describe several reasons why more people don’t study their dreams. I believe that one of the key reasons is their desire to remain in their bubble—the world they have created that they rely on to function each day. Some call it area or domain of comfort. The world they see is the world they have created and only really exists in their minds. But it is a world they are comfortable with and anything that challenges the reality of that world makes them feel threatened.


Their dreams will challenge the reality of that world and will question some of their most cherished beliefs. Their beliefs and actions will be judged each night by a wiser aspect of themselves, and the appraisals fed back in the form of dreams. They cannot fool their subconscious minds because the subconscious knows everything they think and do. The subconscious knows when they are engaged in some belief or activity that is to their detriment, or one that may be a hopeless fantasy regardless of what they consciously think about it.


I have not encountered many people who really want to face themselves—to remove all the illusions. I believe that most people would rather not know what the future brings, especially if they believe bad things may lie in their future. If their dietary habits will result in an early death, they would rather not know, continuing their daily existence as if everything is OK. Or if their relationship with a spouse or partner will not succeed, they would rather not know. They may say they want to know, but when a dream occurs that may relate to an early death or failed relationship, they usually become afraid and just want to push the dream out of their mind.


Of course, people are happy to hear about the good things that will come to them. And they are reflected in our dreams as well. But much of what we experience is to help us grow, to enlarge the bubble, and in some cases to completely remake how we see the world. But people resist change to their bubbles. They don’t want to change because it can be scary and uncomfortable. They often are willing to live with the pain they know rather than risk experiencing a pain they don’t know.


Success with dreams requires a willingness to see yourself as you really are—not as you hope you are or would like to be. Initially, this can be a painful process because the dreams are likely to focus on areas where change is needed. The feedback from dreams may not be welcome, particularly if the conscious mind has spent a long time justifying a detrimental behavior or belief. But progress cannot be made until the message is acknowledged and acted upon. The dream advice must be incorporated into daily life to be meaningful.


You must have the courage to see yourself. You will find talents you did not realize you possessed and praise for your real achievements, which are often related to help you provided to others. But you will also see areas where improvement is needed and receive stark warnings about any dangerous and hateful behavior. You will be shown what you need to do to progress spiritually, which may be at odds with your current lifestyle.


You can have a successful life as the world judges it without any help from your dreams. But that life may not be the life you were intended to live. It may not offer you the greatest growth as a person. If you want to step outside of your bubble and see your potential, you must be willing to have the courage to see yourself as you are. You must be willing to see the truth, which is revealed in your dreams.


I believe that these trying times have shown many people just how quickly circumstances in our lives can change. And they have revealed that governments are limited in what they can do to solve our problems and meet our needs. We have seen an enemy of microscopic size bring nations to their knees. Great advances have taken place in technology, but technology is not God or a competitor with God. Its limitations have become all too apparent. Human behavior has resulted in a pandemic, and human behavior (here I include our diets and our overall approach to maintenance of our health) must change for us to avoid future tragedies that may have even more dire consequences than the coronavirus.


I believe the answers are found within our own minds. They are found in the deeper layers of consciousness that few understand. Our dreams give us access to those levels of consciousness and can provide help during the most trying of times. They reflect the essence of who and what we are. They provide the answers that many so desperately seek, but are afraid to find.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Human Capacity to Absorb Information (Edited)

John von Neumann was a twentieth-century polymath who made enormous contributions in mathematics and science. He invented the eponymous von Neumann architecture for computers, which is still used in computers today. The speed and depth of his thought processes amazed his contemporaries, who were themselves leaders in their fields. Many considered his genius to be in a class by itself, and during his lifetime, some thought he was the smartest human alive.


Stanislaw Ulam, a mathematician and friend of John von Neumann, reported a discussion with him that I have paraphrased in which von Neumann describes technology as ultimately reaching a point where humanity approaches some type of “singularity” beyond which human relationships cannot continue. I believe we are reaching that point with regard to the dissemination of information. News now flows instantaneously from multiple sources with social media platforms contributing vast amounts of information with claims that cannot be verified in any timely or practical way.


Many people no longer know what to believe. They no longer know what is true and what is false. As a result, people are increasing feeling cutoff from the reality of their own lives. They are finding it increasingly difficult to communicate with their neighbors and even family members because they have different concepts of what is true.


Sadly, we are seeing the consequences of this for both the coronavirus and election for president. Misinformation is widespread, and our scientific authorities and democratic processes are no longer trusted. Social media sites blast our conspiracies faster than they can be invalidated.


There was a time in this country when people could turn to respected news  sources and know that information reported had been rigorously reviewed by an editor and sources checked for accuracy. This did not mean that facts reported were always 100% accurate, but the reliability was high and false information was not intentionally disseminated. I believe that these news sources still exist, but the reliable sources get lost among the deluge of information. Opinion is often reported as news, which just adds to the confusion.


People are inundated with data, and often they do not have the time or desire to check the validity of what they read, which may require considerable research. The source may be presenting fake news or just have been careless in verifying the facts before presenting them as news. I am well aware of the difficulties in writing accurate nonfiction, whether it is a news article, blog post, book, or some other type. When working on my books, on several occasions I spent hours researching an item to see if the right adjective was occasionally or frequently, some or many, and sometimes or often. I tried hard to be careful in what I stated so I would not mislead readers. Unfortunately, some writers, especially bloggers but even some mainstream news reporters, do not share this concern. And we have a president who makes unsubstantiated claims on a daily basis. He states what he wants the truth to be without any regard for facts. And his followers accept his version of reality as the truth.


I fear that this will not end well for this country or humanity as a whole. Are we approaching a singularity with regard to the dissemination of information where the lies are so prevalent and interwoven with real facts that it is impossible to separate them and get a true picture of human activity? Will we soon reach a state where human affairs as we know them simply cannot continue? We are deluged on a daily basis with more information than we can possibly evaluate or absorb, and no grand editor exists to tell us what is true and what is false. I fear that any such attempt by social media giants is far beyond their capabilities. They can prevent obvious dangerous messages from being posted or provide warnings, but they do not consider themselves publishers and assume no responsibility for statements made on their platforms. And how would they monitor the posts and messages for veracity of over a billion users? So where do we turn for the truth?


We cannot validate everything we hear or read each day. But we can seek out trusted sources for our news, and these sources will clearly differentiate between news and opinion. Look for the source of what they report. If they are promoting some political philosophy, they are nor unbiased. What is their record for accuracy? Because you read something from the internet, it does not mean it is true. I have done considerable research on the internet for my books and posts, and I find that even for items that are unrelated to politics numerous errors and differences in interpretation exist. I normally have to check several sources before I have confidence in the information. Remember that anyone can post anything.


For guidance in our lives, I believe that a source exists that we can trust to always direct us along the correct path. This source can be reached in meditation and through our dreams, and it will carry us through the most trying times. But we have to get beyond our egos; we have to have humility to hear the still small voice that speaks to us. We have to recognize that the conscious mind may have reached the limits of its ability to evaluate the flood of information that bombards it each day. And the conclusions it reaches are not always correct.


Look to those who promote unity and understanding and eschew division and hatred. We are in perilous times with even greater challenges coming in the future. Division is the last thing we need. We need leaders whose truth is based on facts, and who urge us to unite to meet the challenges we face. We need leaders (government and corporate) who have compassion for those less fortunate and emphasize the best in us, not the worst. We need to reestablish the importance of having good values as the basis of our lives, not winning at any cost. We are all united at a deep level and a lack of recognition of that fact just indicates ignorance, not wisdom.


PBS has a new series called The Rise of the Nazis. I recently watched the second episode, which shows just how quickly democracy can disappear. In a matter of six months, it was gone in post-WWI Germany. For an understanding of how this occurred, I recommend this series. I believe we are in a very dangerous place in this country. We have deep divisions in the United States, and neglect of racial problems and our environment can no longer be tolerated.


Radical groups are exploiting the openness of the internet to create even greater divisions in this country, and there are those who want to subvert our very democracy. Disagreement about policies is one thing; the taking up of arms is quite another. And a growing number of people think that an armed overthrow may be necessary to “save” democracy. I believe they are very misguided. Even some evangelical Christians are practicing firing their handguns at gun ranges to be ready. They believe they must be ready to shoot the enemy who they think threaten their way of life. My suggestion to them is to reread the New Testament.


I will repeat what I have written in a previous post. I believe that Donald Trump is one of the most dangerous men to ever occupy the White House. He could very easily end the division and hatred over the election results, but he chooses to fan the flames of distrust. His claims are not based on fact; they are based on his inability to accept defeat. Unfortunately, without concrete evidence, he has caused a large percentage of his base to believe the election process was fraudulent.


Let’s examine some of the claims. His supporters believe that the results in states such as Pennsylvania cannot be accurate because Trump had a massive lead that mysteriously disappeared, almost overnight. If his supporters had been following the real news, they would know that the news media was saying Trump would have a large lead in Pennsylvania when results were first reported because the early results were from the people who voted on Election Day, and would primarily be from Republicans. Democrats tended to vote by mail. In Pennsylvania, many counties decided to not start counting those votes until Wednesday. As expected, President Trump had a huge early lead. But as the mail-in votes were counted, especially from democratic Philadelphia, his lead shrank rapidly. There was no mystery; it played out as predicted.


Trump claims he won the election by millions of votes. Where is the evidence? No evidence has been produced, but many of his supporters still believe he is right. I have recently seen numbers that indicate half of the Republicans believe he won the election. This is not a rational belief; it is the belief of those in a cult. They believe whatever the cult leader says, regardless of the lack of evidence to support his claims and often in the face of evidence that contradicts his claims.


President-elect Biden will face enormous challenges in reuniting Americans. If Trump maintains his position that he was cheated in the election, we will have a large group of people who will not accept Biden as legitimate, and may actively work against him during the next four years. It will be difficult to meaningfully address climate change, health care reform, immigration, and a number of other important issues.


Cult members often follow leaders who are uneducated with no expertise to support their claims and actions. Donald Trump has no background in medicine or any aspect of health care, yet he would have us believe that he knows better than the experts do. He has no background in science, but he knows that climate change is not a threat to our existence. He knows that he won the election, but the data says otherwise. People who believe him are members of a cult. They don’t care about or believe anything that contradicts their leader.


President Trump and his supporters have yet to produce any evidence of widespread fraud in the election. He claims fraud because he lost. Now he is attacking the very democratic principles of this nation by trying to overturn valid election results at the state level. We have the President of the United States as an enemy of our democracy and the main disseminator of fake news, which he often rails against. He has done immeasurable damage to our country that may be long lasting. He is willing to bring harm to an entire nation to assuage his ego. I urge the Republican leaders to tell Donald Trump that he needs to concede the election and support the transition to a new president. It is way past time for him to go.


If you want to know what is happening in the world, don’t get your news from biased websites and social media. Rush Limbaugh, a friend of Donald Trump, is one of the most successful of the conservative talk radio hosts. His weekly listeners are reportedly over ten million in number (some question it being anywhere close to this number). What is his expertise to make him an authority on far reaching topics? According to Wikipedia, he dropped out of college after two semesters and the article quoted his mother as saying he “flunked everything…” For political or social advice, I don’t turn to people with those credentials. Many of his claims have been proven false, and some are outrageously false. He has long been a creator of division and a generator of conspiracy theories. But President Trump recently awarded him with the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his long service to this country.


Your favorite social media platform may just be feeding you stories that they think meet your interest based on your searches, but that also can lead to problems. After a while, you will get a narrow view of the world, and other stories that may be of great value will never be shown to you. Also, make sure you check the source of a story or article you are shown. Sometimes I see a story or article that appears suspiciously biased, and when I look at the source, it is usually Fox News.


We must become more demanding of our news sources. If they are reporting some conspiracy or inflammatory story, demand that they produce evidence to support it. Some of Trump’s supporters think the election machines were programmed to favor Joe Biden. How do they think that happened—in Republican states such as Arizona and Georgia?


Others have said that fake ballots were brought in the back door of the processing sites. Again, how did that happen, with Republican observers at the processing sites in Republican states that Joe Biden won?


Still other Trump supporters believe that Joe Biden could not have received more votes than Donald Trump received because Trump had many more people at his rallies. These people are uneducated and do not understand that rallies are not a representative sample of the voters. Joe Biden minimized the number and size of his rallies because of the coronavirus; President Trump ignored the dangers of spreading the virus to energize his base. But his base is not representative of the total electorate.


I find it very difficult to communicate with people who ignore facts and do not care about logic. However, I believe we must continue to try. But sometimes we can only present our views and stand strong for what we believe. Arguing accomplishes little and may only increase the hostility. It is better to be a positive example for others to follow than to become divisive.


Many evangelical Christians support Trump and they apparently voted for him in large numbers. Some even claim he was sent by God to save the nation. I have studied The New Testament and cannot see any relationship between Christ’s teachings and Trump’s promotion of hatred, discord, and division. He has shown the world what he is, and I don’t see a savior. The coronavirus is exploding throughout the country and we are a divided nation. He held rallies with few people wearing masks during a pandemic, and he consistently made anyone who opposed him the enemy. He is not a builder and uniter; he is a destroyer and divider.


I believe we must all ask ourselves how Donald Trump was elected president and how he received so many votes in the recent election. Obviously, a deep undercurrent of dissatisfaction existed and still exists in this country. Many people lost faith in the traditional politicians. They wanted a change; they wanted someone who was different. Donald Trump seized on that dissatisfaction and realized he could manipulate a large segment of the population. He sold people on his business acumen, which people readily believed from his many years on TV hosting a show as a business expert, even though the show was reality TV. He outwardly expressed what many people thought, and he played on the base emotions (the desires and prejudices), of the ordinary people, who felt ignored. He needed enemies to focus his followers rage, and he gave them enemies. In other words, Trump was and is a demagogue.


Believe those who are not afraid of facts to support their positions. Insist that those who spread rumors substantiate them with facts. Recognize that some knowledge and skills are learned after many years of study and practice, such as in the medical field. The unschooled people who would have you believe them instead should not be taken seriously. Reporters and web sites that generate “news” may lack any expertise in the subjects in which they purport to be experts. As a believer in intuition and dreams, I certainly would not simply dismiss a flash of insight concerning some subject. But that doesn’t make me an expert in that subject. Become more selective in your sources of news and question anything that doesn’t seem quite right. And for daily guidance, meditate and pay attention to your dreams.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Previous Post about Storm Coming

On October 20, 2020, I posted a dream about a storm coming. I now believe that the storm warning in my dream referred to the storm Eta, which has become a Category 1 hurricane. It is now headed for the area where I live. The dream was quite literal in showing a rapidly approaching storm with little time to prepare.


The dream occurred three weeks ago. Eta as a named storm became a potential threat about a week ago. Early yesterday it was stationary in the gulf as a tropical storm and some plots even had it moving west. Eta suddenly strengthened and began a rapid movement toward Tampa Bay. Fortunately, I am well prepared for Eta having lived through Irma. But some in the area were caught unprepared.


Dreams forewarn us about such events. I was also warned about Irma in a dream. See my post on November 7, 2017 for a summary of the dream and my Irma experience. We are not helpless victims of circumstances, as many believe. By paying attention to our dreams, we get a broader view of both the present and the future. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

My Dreams about Earth Changes

In a previous post, I promised to provide my dreams about earth changes in one place. This post contains the main dreams I can recall that relate to dramatic changes in the surface of the earth or climate. Of course, it is possible that some of the dreams I have had about Earth changes are not literal and instead relate to events in my life. Ones that are questionable are not included. I have high confidence that the ones listed contain literal messages.


The first clear dream that I can recall occurred early in my teenage years and was the most dramatic of all the dreams. Today, I can still recall how frightened I was upon awakening from the dream. The dream was a preview of my life and indicated the course it would take, much as described in The Man Who Sees Tomorrow in His Dreams. The very work I have been doing late in my life was previewed in this dream so many years ago. I was frightened upon awakening because of the last part of the dream, which focused on the later years of my life. The Earth was in turmoil with mass hysteria prevalent as earthquakes and major volcanic eruptions were wreaking havoc. Panic was the norm, as many believed it was the end of the world. In the dream, I told people to pray, to turn to God.


Some twenty or more years ago, I had two dreams about specific locations that would be affected by Earth changes. In one, I was looking at Seattle Washington, which was devastated by a large nearby earthquake. The needle part of the Space Needle had broken off and was lying on the ground. The entire downtown of Seattle was flooded.


The next dream occurred while I was in Tampa, Florida, after a business trip. I recall awakening from my sleep in a motel with the clear memory of a dream about the area. A voice said, “This area will not be safe after the Earth axis shifts. It will be inundated.”


Regarding the dream about Tampa, which I currently live close to, you may wonder why I would choose to live in this area after having such a dream. Strange circumstances can occur in a person’s life, and they brought me to this area. However, I am currently making plans to leave Florida soon for a number of reasons, not just the threat of being under water.


I believe I had the above two dreams because I was thinking about the area or in the area, in the case of Tampa. The effects of climate and Earth changes will not be limited to these areas. Events in my life just happen to trigger dreams about these areas.


Some of you may have questions about what an Earth axis shift means. Details about the nature of the shift were not provided, but from scientific measurements, we know that the magnetic north pole has been shifting for several years. And sometimes a dramatic shift occurs where the north and south poles are reversed. Hundreds of thousands of years occur between such flips, but the scientific evidence indicates that we are overdue. Another type of shift can occur as well, which is a shift in the tilt of the Earth axis. My belief is that one of these events will occur rapidly and cause cataclysmic events.


People have been predicting Armageddon for hundreds of years, and the human race is still here. I am not predicting or even suggesting the end of the world is coming soon. However, I do believe that major changes will occur as we complete one cycle and begin a new one. This view is reinforced by the following dream.


On August 17, 2015, I dreamed about Edgar Cayce and climate change. In the dream, I was viewing a large vertical panel that contained a chart of some kind describing distinct periods in the history of the Earth. There was also some mention of Edgar Cayce and his prophecies concerning Earth changes.


My attention focused on what was labeled Period 6. This period was concerned with the present and near future. A voice told me that the weather would get much worse during the next ten to fifteen years. It said that some current landmasses would be under water due to flooding. I saw the year 2030 as the end of this period. Then a new period would begin.


The above dream is one of the reasons I have emphasized the importance in having a government that prepares for what could be monumental disruptions in our way of life. From the timeframe given, you can see that if the next administration in Washington does not prepare this nation for an existential threat, a new administration in 2025 may find it too late to help the many people affected. By then, we would be more than half way through the period ending in 2030.


I think that it is important that we move away from fossil fuels. But I do not think that at this late date we can prevent much of what is already starting to occur. I believe we need detailed plans at the federal, state, and local levels for dealing with worse case scenarios. With the coronavirus, the world has seen what lack of preparation means. The high death count and huge loss of jobs has have wreaked havoc on many families. Some people have been able to stay home to avoid it. They can work from home and have their groceries delivered. But with massive disruptions from climate change, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions, you may not have a home to stay in, a grocery store to access for food supplies, or a job.


The election has been called for Joe Biden, although Donald Trump has not conceded and continues to challenge the results. Regardless of the winner, I urge you to take climate change seriously. As many people in California and other states have found, a natural disaster can take away your home and sense of security in an instant with little or no forewarning. Climate change is real, and science is quite clear about the cause. Higher temperatures and longer dry seasons are wreaking havoc in many states and the situation is projected to only get worse. The number of named storms this season has tied a record and now Florida is facing another potential hurricane.


The federal budget deficit for the fiscal year recently concluded was a staggering $3.1 trillion. And because of the coronavirus, another large stimulus package may be needed, which will mean an enormous budget deficit for the current fiscal year. Where will the money come from when the losses due to climate change reach trillions of dollars?


World health organizations started warning about the threat of a pandemic many years ago, but governments took little action to actually prepare. We cannot afford to make that mistake again. Fortunately, Joe Biden appears to have been elected as our next president. He recognizes the seriousness of the threat, and he has a plan to address climate change. I don’t know if he has any contingency plans for the potential relocation of parts of the population because they live in areas that are no longer habitable. But I think this must be part of the final plan.


The Democrats may not control the Senate. It will not be decided until January of 2021. So the Senate may thwart Biden’s attempt to get meaningful legislation through Congress to deal with climate change. You can help by contacting your representatives to urge them to take this threat seriously.


I hope to have a dream about what to expect in the near future concerning Earth changes and weather. Temperatures continue to rise and storms are increasing in frequency and magnitude. But we have not yet seen the earthquakes and volcanic eruptions I witnessed in the dream during my early teenage years. However, other futurists such as Gordon-Michael Scallion have also seen these occurrences in their dreams. But change is always possible, although things are trending in the wrong direction. If I do have another dream that is consequential concerning Earth changes and weather, I will add it to this post as an update.


Unfortunately, society seems to be very short sighted. We only look a few months ahead, and already many think the coronavirus will soon end. Climate change is almost forgotten by many. Financial analysts are predicting new highs for stocks next year. Yet, every time scientists look at the effects of climate change such as the melting of Artic ice, they have to revise their estimates to show a more rapid increase than previously thought. We are out of time. Changes in weather are happening now. They are not something that may happen in ten or twenty years.


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Political Interference in Climate Change Message

Scientists have labeled climate change as the greatest threat that humanity faces. Yet, we see the Trump administration interfering with the ability of one of our most prestigious organizations (NOAA) to deliver a message that is supported by their research. See Previously, I have clearly stated my overall views concerning the choice we face in this election. Unfortunately, with the focus on the coronavirus, not much attention has been paid to climate change and the stark differences in the approaches of the two candidates.


Joe Biden is proposing a massive program to start a transition off fossil fuels. President Trump claims it will bankrupt the economy and he wants to ignore climate change. I think what is lost in the debate is the fact that many parts of this country, in addition to large areas globally, are already in great danger. We are seeing this with the fires in California and Colorado, which have been directly attributed to climate change. The number of named storms this hurricane season has set a record with another one about to strike the Gulf Coast. This is only the beginning of a trend I will address in more detail in future posts.


Whether or not you believe climate change is caused by human activity, it is clearly happening. Losses to property and life are growing with the future looking quite ominous. If we allow our information to be controlled by politicians, we are headed for disaster. President Trump controlled much of the messaging to the American people concerning the coronavirus, and we now know the result of that. He frequently provided false information and refused to abide by the recommendations of the infectious disease experts, falling victim to the virus himself. Unfortunately, most Americans are not likely to receive the level of care he received; in some states, they are saying they might have to ration the care with only those most likely to survive receiving treatment.


If your job is lost and your house is destroyed because of climate change, it will be small comfort for you to hear from the Republicans that they were wrong. You will probably not hear it from Trump because he doesn’t admit making mistakes. The scientific evidence is overwhelming that the earth is getting warmer and humans are responsible for much of it. When politicians decide to stifle or distort the message of the scientific community, we are in serious trouble. We are no longer a democracy. President Trump warns us about the liberal left and fake news when he is a far greater threat and generates more fake news than any other president in our history has generated.


In future posts, I hope to be able to provide concrete guidance from my dreams concerning climate change. I have had several dreams over the years that deal with different aspects of it, which I will summarize in another post. Hopefully, I can provide warnings about some threats before they become reality. I believe that this is the defining decade for humanity. The condition of humanity in 2030 will depend on our ability to unite and apply our creativity and ingenuity to deal with an existential threat.


As I have stated in previous posts, I am not a member of a political party. I want to see the Republicans and Democrats come together to address a threat facing all of humanity. Unfortunately, I do not see this happening under another four years of Donald Trump. I think that Joe Biden will at least try to unite the parties to deal with this crisis, and he is the only major candidate with a plan to address climate change. If we have four more years of Trump with his current approach to climate change, after his term ends, I believe it will be too late to prevent the unthinkable.

Friday, October 23, 2020

The Election and Personality Versus Policy

The official Election Day is fast approaching, and many people have already voted through early voting or mail-in voting. I am one of those who sent my ballot in last week. In listening to all of the arguments for electing Trump for four more years, I am struck by the large number of his supporters who say they don’t like the man or his behavior, but they like his policies. I am not sure you can really separate the two.


President Trump has had a policy of America first, which I believe reflects his personality of self-first. And I believe his immigration policies also reflect that personality. His lack of a health-care plan for the United States shows his unconcern for the many dependent on Obamacare. He has claimed for almost four years that the Republican’s plan will be superior to the current Obamacare in all regards, but a plan is still not forthcoming. But he still tries to kill Obama Care with no replacement. What is his health care policy?


Our response to the coronavirus has desperately needed a national policy. There is none. Even now, President Trump holds large rallies with thousands seated side-by-side with few masks. The most effective means for slowing the virus, which includes physical distancing and the use of masks, has been spurned by Trump from the beginning. He has no plan for dealing with the virus other than a vaccine, which for most Americans will not be available until next spring. And then it will be some time before enough people are inoculated to be effective in slowing the spread of the virus.


President Trump is dealing with climate change the same way he dealt with the coronavirus. His policy is to mostly ignore it and hope it will go away. But climate change is not going away and this country desperately needs to prepare for it through a national plan. As the destruction from storms, droughts, and flooding increases, there will be no vaccine for preventing nature’s fury. The recent fires in California and Colorado are directly attributed to a warming climate and longer dry season. And so is the record number of named storms this year. We need a plan to address climate change; we need a plan for feeding, clothing, and providing housing for the displaced.


I believe that we have already passed the tipping point and some of the changes we will experience this decade cannot be avoided. We must prepare for major climate-related effects on our livelihoods and quality of life. As Joe Biden stated in the final debate, it is an existential threat. Without a plan, when nature’s full fury is felt, it will be too late to help many in dire circumstances.


President Trump has been busy undoing many of the regulations put in place by President Obama to protect the American people. He sees them as a hindrance to businesses and a drain on the economy. Of course, he is not drinking polluted water or watching his children die from the effects of toxic chemicals.


I think that when most people say they like Trumps policies they really mean they believe they personally are better off economically with him as president. They don’t think climate change is a big threat to them, they probably have health insurance, and they care little about letting more immigrants into this country. Some fear that they will lose their right to choose their own doctors under the Democrats, their taxes will increase, and that lazy people will get handouts from the government. They believe that President Trump has been great for job growth. He would have you believe he has been the best with the greatest economy ever. If you believe that, I suggest you read the Forbes’s article titled Obama’s Last Three Years Of Job Growth All Beat Trump’s Best Year by Chuck Jones published on February 7, 2020.


Donald Trump has a way of exaggerating his accomplishments to make you think they were the greatest ever. The reality is usually much different. As far as jobs and the economy are concerned, his tax cuts gave us nearly a trillion dollar budget deficits prior to the coronavirus during a time when we were not in a recession. The deficit should have been brought down. The reason given for the tax cuts was to grow the economy (GDP) at above 4 percent. This never happened. The GDP growth has been between 2 and 3 percent.


The budget deficit for the government’s fiscal year just completed was $3.1 trillion dollars because of tax cuts and the coronavirus. We will probably need to add several trillion more in the current fiscal year to prevent a recession. The national debt is growing to a level many consider dangerous. As the US experiences trillions of dollars in losses from climate change, where will the money come from to address these costs? Many states are already bankrupt because of the coronavirus.


Let’s consider his trade policies and foreign relations. Even what he considers a phase one with China is questionable. China has yet to meet their commitments, although they have recently increased their grain purchases. Now his attacks on China over the coronavirus are putting any further progress at risk. And the loss of leadership in the world arena by the US under Trump may have long lasting effects. Our allies no longer trust the US as being dependable, which limits our future influence.


I believe that all of President Trump’s key policies are a reflection of him as a man. He cares little for other people and everything he does he makes about him. I don’t need to put a label on his personality; others have already done that. I think it is a big mistake to think you can separate the policies from the man. Those who are disturbed by his behavior as a man, but support his policies, need to take a closer look at what his policies really mean for the long-term health of this country. Other countries will see and judge the behavior of the US much as we see and judge the behavior of Donald Trump as a man because the policies will reflect the personality of the man.


We are all united in a fundamental and deep way. Those who do not recognize this should not be in a position of responsibility and leadership for an entire nation. A humane leader of the most powerful nation on earth casts a benevolent influence over the entire world; an inhumane US leader casts a cloud of animosity and disharmony over the world. As a nation, we need to tell the world that lying, cheating, and stealing are not the values of the American people. We are a people who stand for honesty and fairness, and individuals without those values should not represent us.


Both President Trump and Joe Biden made their points in the final debate. I think the American people were able to see the clear differences between their values and vision for America. Joe Biden gave a beautiful summary of his vision when answering the final question. In contrast, Trump used a scare tactic by claiming the US would experience monumental recession under Joe Biden.


After listening to many pundits and reading numerous articles, it seems clear that the coronavirus is the key issue going into the final days of the election. Voters have to decide if Trump did a good job in his coronavirus response or demonstrated a complete lack of leadership.


I remind people that the medical experts are consistent in their recommendation that each American do three things: wear a mask in public, socially distance, and frequently wash their hands. President Trump has never addressed the American people to emphasize the importance of these actions. In fact, as stated previously, he is now conducting rallies in Florida where I live with images of people packed together with few wearing masks. For many months, he refused to even wear a mask himself. His core supporters still believe that wearing a mask and social distancing aren’t necessary because that is the message they got from him.


I consider Trump’s actions irresponsible and the most grievous failure of leadership during a crisis. He has continuously fed disinformation to the American public and must bear the direct responsibility for the more than 200,000 deaths. The simple act of the President of the United States addressing the American people, holding up a mask, and explaining the necessity for all Americans to follow the three recommendations from the experts could have saves thousands of lives.


I am an independent voter and do not agree with all of the positions of either major party. But I see four more years of Trump creating a division in this country from which we may never recover. And I believe that four more years of a lack of response to global warming will be catastrophic for this country. Trump has no background in science, but he thinks he knows best. Beware of the person who never admits a mistake and claims to know everything better than the experts do. Do you want a petulant 12-year-old or and adult running the country?

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

A Storm Is Coming

I had an unwelcome dream last night. Nevertheless, it must be acknowledged and psychologically I think we must prepare for a challenging situation. I do not think the dream pertains to only my individual situation because other people were in the dream who were also in danger. So I recount part of the dream here.


The danger seen was in the form of an approaching storm, and it was part of a more involved dream. However, I only focus here on the approaching storm. I had left a meeting held in a large conference room and walked to some floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the area below. The floor I was on was the top floor in a high-rise building. As I looked out of a window, I saw an enormous formation of black clouds rapidly moving toward the building. People began running from all directions. Frightened, I rushed to the elevators where another man was trying to open the door to the stairwell. He looked at me and said, “Don’t take the elevator. It isn’t safe. We need to take the stairs. He had trouble opening the door, but I think he finally got it opened. Then the dream ended.


The last time I had a similar dream was a few weeks before the coronavirus hit. At that time, I did not post it because it lacked detail and could have just involved my individual situation. This dream also does not provide detail about the nature of the storm, but throughout my life I have learned that such dreams are strong warnings and not to be taken lightly. In this country, we are facing many challenges, each one of which could explode into a dangerous situation. Of course, the approaching storm could be something completely unforeseen as well. I got the feeling in the dream that it was approaching very rapidly and there was little time before it hit. With the coronavirus and resulting economic hardships for many people, you may think the storm has already hit. And one storm did, but we may be about to get another one.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Donald Trump and a Dream of Warning about America's Possible Future


A number of years ago, I had a brief dream in which a background voice said, “Conditions in the United Sates are now like those in Germany prior to the rise of the Third Reich.” At that time, I didn’t see the similarity and did not think it was possible, but things have changed rapidly. Now we are beset by great political turmoil, and many of President Trump’s words sound like the ones Hitler used in his promises to make Germany great again. He is an opponent of the free press, and he has demonized certain groups, just as Hitler opposed a free press and needed enemies such as the Jews and communists to serve his purposes.


President Trump has focused on journalists, liberals, immigrants, and any other person or group who he deems unworthy to live in the United States. He says he has done much to help the African Americans, but he doesn’t say or do anything to support their protests against racist police, substandard living conditions, and lack of job opportunity. He claims he is for law and order, and is a great supporter of the police. But his version of law and order means suppressing any opposition to him and his programs.


I have watched numerous educational programs that traced the rise of Hitler and the Third Reich. (I wanted to understand how a society could go down such a ruinous path.) Hitler manufactured crises, and used them to scare people into turning more power over to him to deal with the crises. He was a master at creating enemies, instilling fear in the broader population, and then focusing people’s hate against those enemies.


President Trump seeks to unite his base; he does not seek to unite the country. In fact, he has sought to accomplish his goals and achieve reelection by dividing the country and introducing chaos. Now he urges the country to elect him to fix the chaos he has helped create.


If Trump is reelected, I suspect we will see a brutal crackdown on any opposition and we will see overt attempts on his part to seize greater power. Some may think that is great, but the resulting America will not be recognizable anymore. And those who think he is taking things in the right direction better hope they do not find themselves among those he suddenly decides are expendable. He is not interested in meeting the needs of the people; he is only interested in what he perceives is best for him.


I think there is a natural tendency for people to look outside of themselves when things go wrong. They want someone or something to blame. Some never reach the point of understanding their own involvement in creating the problems they face. People such as Hitler and Trump understand that very well and provide a scapegoat. They then direct people’s anger toward the scapegoat in a way that serves their purpose.


To get people to move in the direction they want, the master seducers like Hitler and Trump must get people to accept their vision. One very well known method for doing this is to imprint a thought upon people’s subconscious using repetition. Advertisers use it all the time. Trump used it very effectively during the last election with the phrase “crooked Hilary.” He wanted people to immediately think crooked or criminal whenever they heard her name. He wanted that thought firmly embedded in their subconscious minds. The truth or falsehood of it didn’t matter.


Another way he used this technique is his proclamation of fake news whenever he mentions the New York Times or CNN. He wants it so firmly embedded in your subconscious that you immediately dismiss anything those news sources have to say. And Trump, like Hitler, loves rallies with huge crowds. They just help to bolster his ego and reinforce his message to his base.


Trump’s use of well know techniques for manipulation means that many people who have long been frustrated by their circumstances become ready converts to his cause. He gives them enemies to blame, and through exaggeration, and more repetition, he makes them believe he is their salvation. He touts successes with such hyperbole that even modest successes appear to be major victories.


People who watched his TV show The Apprentice or Celebrity Apprentice often did not realize it was staged with the winner most likely predetermined by the producers based on ratings. (According to at least one contestant, Donald Trump did not pick the winners on Celebrity Apprentice and barely knew what was happening. See Many people came to believe that Trump was a business genius. In fact, the history of his business career tells a different story. Many of his business ventures were monumental failures. Michael Bloomberg is a true business goliath; Donald Trump is not a business genius any more than Hitler was a military genius. His version of his greatness is just more of how he presents the story of his life.


I have watched interviews with some of the Trump supporters. One of the reasons often given for their continued support is his follow through on campaign promises. I will acknowledge a degree of consistency there. However, I do not share his vision. The tax cuts gave us a trillion dollars a year budget deficit and most of the benefit went to the wealthy. The 4% GDP growth promised never materialized, even before the coronavirus. He has consistently tried to kill Obama Care, but I have yet to see a coherent replacement plan from the Republicans. He has opposed immigration, which built this country. He has promised us law and order, and has given us division and chaos.


Now, Trump threatens the very democratic voting process employing his usual technique. He claims mail-in voting is rife with fraud, despite no evidence to support his claim. If he loses the election, he now has a scapegoat for his loss. If he wins the election, he will claim he won in spite of the fraud, which he will claim benefited Joe Biden. He is creating more chaos and making the voting process itself suspect to retain his power. His attacks on our very foundation of democracy are outrageous, and he may very well be the most dangerous man to ever serve as President.


I believe that historians will someday judge one of his biggest failures his lack of recognition of the threat of global warming. He has downplayed it and even called it a “hoax” on more than one occasion; he referred to the coronavirus as the Democrats “new hoax.” Some have interpreted those comments as referring to the Democrats’ attacks on him, not the virus itself. However, the damage was done and many of his base considered and still consider the coronavirus as a hoax manufactured by the Democrats.


We can’t get his years of inactivity in response to climate change back, and as a nation, we will pay a price, just as we have paid a price for his delayed and inadequate response to the coronavirus. For those who want four more years of him, I say wake up and examine the facts. Study his business background and history on his TV shows, and you will find the real Donald Trump. It is not a pretty picture. If you think his character does not matter, look at the state of our nation today. I have lived a long time and see many turbulent times from Richard Nixon to Bill Clinton, but I have never seen this nation more divided than now.


Politically, I am an independent. During the last election, I did not vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. I exercised my right to write in a candidate of my choice because I could not accept either of the two main candidates. In this next election, I will vote for Joe Biden. I believe he will try to unite the country and address critical issues ignored by Trump and the Republicans. He may raise taxes on the wealthy and high-income earners. Taxes are necessary to pay for the many things our country needs from health care and infrastructure repair to environmental protection and opportunities for the disadvantaged. There is great wealth in this country and several well-known billionaires have said they are willing to pay more in taxes for the benefit of all. We just need the right leadership to make it happen in a fair way.


In deciding how to vote in the next presidential election, don’t just think about who will make you better off in your personal life. Think also about who will make the country as a whole better off. And no, the Democrats are not going to take all the guns away from gun owners any more than they did under Clinton and Obama. But maybe we can prevent those mentally ill and/or with a history of violence from purchasing guns. We need sensible legislation for the protection of all.


The future of this country is created by all of us. You have to decide if you want to live in a Third Reich, or to live in a country of hope and freedom for all. The vision that Donald Trump offers will not give you freedom, but it may give you concentration camps. Hitler’s Third Reich was supposed to be the resurrection of Germany to a new, greater destiny, but it was not for the nonwhite, disabled, Jews, or any members of a political opposition party. Do you want this approach for America? Trump may consider different groups than Hitler’s selections as unacceptable, but his approach is the same.

Thursday, August 27, 2020


During this trying time of the coronavirus, we have seen conflicts arise between individuals and groups over government mandates concerning the wearing of masks and social distancing. Some believe that such mandates violate their individual rights and should not be the function of government.


I wonder if these individuals have tried to see things from the viewpoint of those who service them in the grocery stores, doctor offices, and many other public places. I shop at a Publix store in Florida, and the cashier and person bagging my groceries both wear masks. A shield provides additional protection for the cashiers, but not for the baggers. They are exposed to countless people during the course of their shift. Even with everyone wearing a mask, the employees still have some risk of contracting coronavirus from asymptomatic carriers or negligent infected people. But the shield and masks reduce the risk. Without everyone wearing masks, they would be at much greater risk of contracting the virus.


Many of the employees are elderly, which is the group most at risk of not surviving the virus. They are there because they need to work; they need the job. I think it very reasonable for Publix, other businesses, and the county to ask all who enter their businesses and offices to wear a mask. Masks have been shown to reduce the spread of the coronavirus, especially if the wearer is infected.


The coronavirus is not the normal flu. Health care professionals are seeing frequent cases of damage to a person’s body months after recovery from the virus. Those who think the virus is a hoax or not very dangerous should visit the ICUs in the hospitals.


I think such protests against health measures indicate a complete lack of concern for others. Everything is viewed through the lens of the ego—what I want to do regardless of how it may affect others. It is an extremely selfish position. (I am not including young children or people with health issues who cannot wear a mask.) And those who physically attack, and even threaten to shoot, someone who requests they put on a mask are seriously disturbed, and confused about what freedom means. Even if they really believe the government or a business has no right to require a mask, their violent response is way out of proportion to the perceived affront.


In 1931, a group of ordinary people who had been studying world religions approached the famous psychic Edgar Cayce to get help in understanding how the psychic related to their lives. Each had his or her own purpose, but they all “hoped to discover more meaning and purpose in their lives.” (See A Search for God Books I & II 50th Anniversary Edition published by the Association for Research and Enlightenment, p. VIII.)


Cayce began a series of readings that became lessons for the study group. Interestingly, the very first lesson was Cooperation. Other lessons covered topics such as Know Thyself, Faith, Fellowship, etc. Cooperation was considered fundamental to the progress of this early study group. And I believe cooperation is fundamental to the progress in healing this nation, whether it is overcoming the coronavirus or the hate and animosity that are so prevalent today.


It just takes me seconds to put on my mask. And at worst, wearing the mask is a slight inconvenience. I do not understand the negative response of people who refuse to cooperate based on a claim it violates their constitutional rights. I wonder how many have ever read the constitution. We are still struggling with the coronavirus in Florida because a significant number of people refuse to social distance or wear a mask. Some are attending private parties or eating in restaurants or bars that completely ignore the recommendations. Their behavior has not only cost lives; it has wreaked havoc on companies because things cannot return to normal. If everyone had cooperated initially with the recommendations, the coronavirus would be gone by now. 


As I have written many times, we are all inexorably linked together, whether or not we realize it. If you harm another, you harm yourself. If you help another, you help yourself. You cannot say that another doesn’t matter without saying you don’t matter. In a deep and fundamental way, that other person is part of you.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Time to Get Serious About Climate Change

Scientists have told us that global warming is real, and they have described many of the catastrophic results, but as a country, we are unprepared. Many are in denial. When the devastating effects begin in earnest, where do we go for help? The government will have few answers, and help may be a long time in coming as the government rushes to develop resources and plans that should already be in place.

The thing I find the most alarming about the COVID-19 response was the lack of equipment and safety gear for our health care providers. One might well mistake us for a third-world country. What we hear from the experts is that the system was not designed for such an event. And I ask why not? They knew it was a definite possibility, and we barely avoided some earlier outbreaks of disease in Africa. The flu of 1918 with more than 500,000 deaths in the US is well documented. Our government was warned many times by health organizations about the real possibility of a pandemic, and still we were unprepared.

Last year, my son and his wife watched a movie about a pandemic that he related to me when they were visiting. I remember telling him that my worst fear was not an attack from missiles launched by North Korea or some other country. My worst fear was that someone would enter the US with a highly contagious disease and it would spread throughout the US before it could be contained. And now that fear is being realized, just as I imagined it. The US was not prepared for such an occurrence, and I do not think it is prepared for the effects of climate change. I lived through hurricane Irma in Florida when it ravaged the state, and it was not a pleasant experience. But I think that event was minor compared to what the future will bring.

You have probably heard the quote “Chance favors the prepared mind.” The actual quote in a slightly different form is from Louis Pasteur. He said, “In the fields of observation chance favors only the prepared mind.” I think it is time for all of us to be prepared because the alternative is now staring us in the face. In response to the coronavirus, rather than a minimal shutdown and quick response, we are facing extended shutdowns, enormous disruption to business and families, and deaths in the tens of thousands. Let’s not go down the same path for global warming and climate change. The effects are real and are already happening, although for many they are now just an inconvenience. Soon devastating effects will be felt throughout the world and for many it will be a matter of life and death.

If you find yourself inconvenienced by the COVID-19 restrictions and the store and restaurant closings, think about life without shelter, electric power, mobile-phone reception, and food and water. This is not just a possibility; for many it will be a reality. And it will not be just the people in some third-world country. People cannot say they weren’t warned; scientists have been shouting out the dangers for over a decade. What is missing is a serious response and preparation on the part of the government.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

You Can Find Answers in Your Dreams

Many years ago when I was a young man, I was seeking answers to the mysteries of life. I was unhappy in my job and wanted to know my purpose in life. I often asked myself the question: What does it all mean? Then I read the book There is a River, the story of Edgar Cayce, by Thomas Sugrue. Something immediately clicked. I now believed that I possessed abilities I was not recognizing. The answers I sought were not far away; they were with me all along.

One of the things that made a big impression on me was Cayce’s claim that we could do everything he did in his readings, if we were willing to pay the price. Edgar Cayce is widely regarded as the greatest psychic and prophet of the last century. He helped thousands of people with various health issues, often critical, to a recovery and better life. Yet he said we could get the same information he received if we paid attention to our dreams and had the right purpose. This led me to a radical change in my life that is described in my memoir The Man Who Sees Tomorrow in His Dreams.

I did not blindly accept what he said. I put it to the test with a prayerful attitude and the recording and study of my dreams. Now, after fifty years of dream work, I can say without any doubt that what he claimed is true. My health has been reflected in my dreams with regular advice on changes I needed to make to improve my condition and warnings about incipient problems. Nothing happened that was not first “foreshadowed” in my dreams.

Unfortunately, we have become a drug culture. I am not just referring to illegal drugs. I am including prescription drugs where the answer to every health problem comes from a container of pills. Like with COVID-19, we are not proactive in preventing disease. Instead, we are always in the position of turning to more and more drugs to correct something that need not have happened. And the medical community has yet to understand the power of dreams to warn about potential health problems and diagnose illness when it occurs.

I believe that someday dreams will routinely become a part of a program for maintaining good health. And I believe that physicians will use dreams as a diagnostic tool to better understand the conditions causing illness in a person. But that is not the case today. However, that does not mean you need to wait until some prestigious medical institution blesses the use of your dreams for improving your health. Today, they may recognize that a particular dream may be about a person’s health. But I do not believe they realize that our dreams continually reflect our physiological condition and will foreshadow any disease before it manifests physically. This was the claim of Edgar Cayce, something I have observed in my own life for the past fifty years.

In my book The Inner Guru, I explain how your health is reflected in your dreams. I discuss the common symbols for the body and and how your dreams deliver messages about the state of your health. Examples are taken from my own life to show exactly how I benefited physically from my dream advice and came to rely upon it as a monitor of my health.

If you want to give yourself the best chance to remain healthy and avoid colds and viruses, pay attention to your dreams. Be proactive; don’t wait until you have a disease and are in a weakened state. We are seeing our country with its vast resources brought to its knees by a microorganism. The cure for a disease is always more painful than doing the simple things to prevent the disease in the first place. The people most at risk are those with a compromised immune system. But there are things you can do to strengthen your immune system, and your dreams will assist you in that endeavor.

Diet, exercise, and meditation are important for maintenance of a healthy mind and body. If you are ignoring one or more of them, your dreams will remind you of your neglect. And if you are engaged in a dangerous behavior, you will be reminded of that as well. Pay attention to your dreams and you will experience a healthier, more productive life. Throughout this trying period, heed the medical advice and advice of the infectious disease experts. And use the time at home to reflect on your habits and to better align them with ones that promote a healthy life.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

A Refuge from the Storm

In my book The Inner Guru, I relate a story about an encounter with the late evangelist and faith healer Kathryn Kuhlman. This occurred in Columbus, Ohio, when I was a young man in my mid-twenties. During that period, I was questioning many things, and religion was one of them. At the time of my encounter, I lived in Dayton, Ohio, when I learned that a famous faith healer was going to be in Columbus for a revival. Something caused me to decide that I needed to attend the revival. I was raised as a Roman Catholic, and I had not been active in a church in several years. And as a Catholic, I had no experience with faith healers.

My academic background was science, and I had serious doubts about faith healing. However, I felt prompted to drive to Columbus to see firsthand what transpired during Ms. Kuhlman’s revival and healing service. I believed that it might simply be a show designed to separate the gullible from their money, but I tried to keep an open mind.

Kathryn Kuhlman had a signature way of ending her healing service. She would ask people to come to the stage, and she would greet each person, say a brief prayer, and touch the person on the head. The person collapsed into the arms of two men operating as catchers, who gently laid the person on the stage. For reasons I don’t want to elaborate on here, but are explained in my book, I found myself as one of the people on the stage staring out at thousands of other people. I was hot and uncomfortable, and did not believe anything was happening other than a show. I thought that she was going to be embarrassed when I failed to collapse like the others.

My turn came, she said her brief prayer, and touched me on the forehead. I suddenly felt all of the stress and tensions evaporate from my body. I felt like every fear or concern built up over years was gone, and a feeling of total peace and joy pervaded my being. I recall that a curtain of light moved horizontally across my vision, as if someone or something was opening a curtain.

I lay on the stage in front of an enormous crowd, but I didn’t care. I felt fantastic, and although my normal inclination was to never be in such a situation, at that moment had no concern that I was on display.

My encounter with Kathryn Kuhlman was the first time I experienced what many call the Holy Spirit. I don't feel the need to give it a name, but I can say a place exists that is free of worry and fear. That place is not far away; it is within us and can be reached by anyone with a pure intent. The turmoil of the external physical world does not touch us there. It is not an escape, but a realization that a greater truth operates in our lives.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Staying Healthy Through the COVID-19 Threat

Many people are worried about contracting the COVID-19 virus, which is causing enormous stress. I think there are some basic things you can do to promote a healthy immune system and minimize your susceptibility to the virus. These include having a good diet, regular exercise, daily meditation, and recording your dreams.

Of course, I recommend these practices for other times as well, but they are particularly important now. Your diet will have a big effect on your ability to repel viruses like COVID-19. As a member, I received an email from the A.R.E. that quoted one of the Edgar Cayce readings that is very relevant. The reading stated, “if an alkalinity is maintained in the system — especially with lettuce, carrots and celery, these in the blood supply will maintain such a condition as to immunize a person.” (480-19) This number in parenthesis is the identifier for the specific Cayce reading. All of the readings are catalogued and available online through the A.R.E.

A healthy diet means you should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables with a salad for lunch. Drink enough water to maintain hydration, and don’t rush your meals. The right foods support your immune system, in addition to providing numerous other benefits.

Regular exercise is important. You will feel better and it will help you stay positive during the COVID-19 restrictions. If possible, you should get some sunshine each day for vitamin D.

The health benefits of meditation have been studied and are well documented. Meditation will reduce stress and be beneficial for your immune system. The results of meditation are more than just a feel-good effect; meditation has tangible effects on the chemistry of your body. I refer you to a Forbes’ article by Alice G. Walton, Senior Contributor for Healthcare. It was published Sep 6, 2016, and is titled New Clues Into How Meditation May Boost The Immune System. There are numerous other articles easily found with a web search that describe the many physiological benefits of meditation.

Of course, the recording and analysis of your dreams has been the main subject of my posts. Your dreams provide feedback on your daily thoughts and activities. So if you need to make adjustments in either area, you will see it reflected in your dreams. You may be advised to add some activity to your current schedule that will be beneficial, but escaped your conscious notice.

COVID-19 will eventually pass, but it will probably have a lasting effect on our society. Unfortunately, I think it is but an early warning for challenges we will face this decade. The world was not prepared for such an event, even though infectious disease experts knew it was a distinct possibility. Pandemics were the themes of many movies and TV programs, with some being quite prescient. But governments did not take them seriously.

Now is a good time to reevaluate your life. The things I suggested can improve the quality of your life, even during normal times. And they will prepare you for future challenges. The time to make adjustments in your lifestyle is now, not when the next crisis arrives. Find the center of your being and all your fears will dissolve.