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Monday, August 28, 2023

Dream of Warning about the US Dollar

I don’t often write about my dreams concerning the stock market or finances. It isn’t because I don’t have such dreams; it is because I fear that people would only focus on these dreams and lose sight of the real purpose of dreams. Also, the conditions reflected in the dream might not materialize and people would forget that I stated it was a probable future or symbolic of something else and might not occur as shown. Then I would be blamed for any financial loss they may experience if they invested based on my dream.


One example of such a dream occurred several months ago. In the dream, I was talking with a man who told me he was enthusiastically buying call options (a bet that the underlying security or securities would increase in price) on the semiconductor index. One such index is SOX, which has enjoyed a sharp rise the past few months. One key stock, Nvidia, has gained over 50% in a few months and in a year 100%. I did not take any action on the dream. Of course, this is no guarantee of what will happen in the future.


Earlier in 2023 I dreamed that I man told me I should purchase shares in a fund holding investments in food sources. He may have mentioned a specific fund, but I don’t recall. I believe that eventually severe droughts resulting from climate change will drive food prices much higher. I do own some shares in an agricultural commodity fund.


Dreams like the two just described happen from time to time. They are simply part of what the subconscious picks up that it believes will be of interest or value to me. I don’t control the nature or timing of their occurrence. They happen in response to the subconscious’ evaluation of current and future conditions, which is influenced by my conscious desires and intentions.


Last night I dreamed that I was talking with a man who was a broker in an investment firm. The firm had taken a position in the US dollar that they believed was solid and without risk. I disagreed with him, but he blew off my concerns. Later, something happened that suddenly caused a gigantic move in the dollar. I believe it was a drop in the dollar, but it could have been the opposite. In any case, the firm had huge losses, and this individual was now bemoaning not listening to me. Although most economists think a crash in the US dollar is highly unlikely, it is not impossible. Some of the things that can trigger a dollar crash are out-of-control inflation, political instability, and high debt levels that are unsustainable. And a stronger dollar could happen if interest rates keep rising.


Of course, this dream may be symbolic of something else entirely and have nothing to do with the US currency. But it could, as is often the case, be a warning about an impending condition that will blindside the investment community. I believe the answer will become apparent in a short time. I can think of at least one situation in my life involving another person that may relate to the dream. In this case, the US dollar would just be symbolic of a financial loss, or a spiritual collapse since money sometimes symbolizes spiritual value. The dream does not seem to fit anything in my personal life, which is the first place I look when deciphering the meaning of a dream.


In my book The Inner Guru, I give examples of all kinds of dreams from advice dreams, warning dreams, feedback dreams, spiritual dreams, health dreams, and psychic dreams to name a few. My advice to you is the following. While a specific dream may be important, your focus should be on your dream patterns. They give you a picture of the condition of your life: physical, mental, and spiritual. Dreams of particular importance are those that recur because they deliver a message you are not understanding or heeding. As an example, you may often dream that you are being chased by someone or something. Until you understand the dream and deal with the cause, it is likely to recur in various forms.


If you intend to examine your dreams just to make money or gain power, you are missing the point of dreams and are likely to become disappointed and think they are not worth the effort needed to record and understand them. If you heed their advice and are on a positive, life affirming path, practical help from dreams will occur when needed. You will begin to tap into the enormous power that lies just below the surface of conscious thought.

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