Going with the flow is not always
the best advice, especially if the flow is moving in a way that is destructive
or immoral. The majority is not always right, as we saw in Germany leading up
to and during World War II. Adolph Hitler enjoyed the broad support of the German
people, but they were misguided. It often requires great courage to take a
position that is counter to the flow of events and in opposition to the
majority. Some courageous individuals in Germany paid for their opposition to
Hitler with their lives.
However, the flow, especially as
it pertains to your individual life, may be a different matter. Many people spend
their lives bucking the current that is trying to take them in the right
direction. They develop a perspective on what they want or expect to happen and
refuse to adapt to actual circumstances. Any signals that run counter to what
they want are ignored, filtered out without any real consideration. They don’t
see reality: they only see their personal desires and cannot relate to anything
that conflicts with them. If their personal agendas are in harmony with their
souls’ desire, their lives will benefit. However, if they are not, they will
seem to be in continuous conflict.
When I managed people in my
corporate life, I often encountered those individuals who always tried to swim against the current and make things difficult for themselves and others.
Their careers suffered, and they would blame everything and everyone except
themselves for their lack of success. Those individuals always chose to fight
the current and saw themselves as taking a stand as individualists, even when
there was no cause or inequity to oppose.
So how do we know if we are
fighting the current when we should be letting it move us in its direction? My
answer is that our dreams offer the best counsel available. And they are free
of charge. Our nightly dreams provide feedback on how we are doing. They
provide encouragement to continue on a certain path if it is right for us, and
they provide warnings if we are on the wrong path. Dreams also help us expand
our capabilities and grow as individuals. We may be on a path that is positive,
but not one that best utilizes our talents and abilities. Dreams will help us
open up our potential and encourage us to expand our horizon.
Many may not want to acknowledge
it, but we create our own lives. Although some people enter this life with
serious challenges, even those people can decide how they will respond to their
circumstances. If you don’t believe this, read the story of Helen Keller. Most of
us do not have challenges that great. However, we make decisions each day that
place us on a path that will inexorably take us to experience life in a certain
way, a way determined by our thoughts and beliefs.
There are many reasons that people
have for not paying attention to their dreams, which are reviewed in my books.
For the purpose of this post, I point out that one of the main reasons is the
tendency of people to take the path of least resistance. It is just easier to
ignore them. It is much like diet and exercise. I think few people are unaware
of the importance of diet and exercise for maintaining a healthy body. Yet,
evidence is overwhelming that the majority of Americans are largely ignoring
the advice of nutritionists and health experts. It is just easier to stop at
the fast food restaurant or flop in front of the TV and tell yourself you will
go to the gym or health club another day.
Dreams will jar you out of that
sense of complacency. You will see the results of your lifestyle, sometimes in
a very vivid and shocking way. But shock may be what your subconscious is
trying to achieve to get your attention. Now, if you are OK with cutting
yourself off from that information, then don’t complain later in life that some
disease occurred without warning, and if you had only known you would have made
some lifestyle changes.
The deeper levels of consciousness
are always trying to bring our lives into balance and steer us onto a path that
is beneficial for our body and mind. But we must learn to listen by
interpreting our dreams and then act upon the guidance we receive. The help
that so many seek is right there in plain sight. No one separates us from our
internal wisdom except ourselves.
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