Age is a factor as well. When I was a boy, I frequently passed a house where a retired man lived. He would often be sitting on his porch, and I would stop and talk with him. I can still vividly recall a conversation one day when he told me that his days were flying by. He said that as he got older, the days passed more quickly. Now in the later years of his life, he said the days were racing by.
His comments about age and the passage of time are not unique. Many have observed this effect, and I too sense time as moving faster as I have aged. So what is happening here? No one seems to know for certain, but there are theories that involve memory, metabolism changes, and the percentage of life remaining.
At the
other end of the age scale, we find that children often think an hour’s trip is
an eternity. For them, time is often moving at a snail’s pace.
In my own life, I have noticed that my time in elementary school seemed very long compared to my time in junior high and high school. And my time in college seemed to pass much faster than my high school years. Perhaps because everything is new to the young, they focus on every detail, while adults tune out much that has become routine.
In my own life, I have noticed that my time in elementary school seemed very long compared to my time in junior high and high school. And my time in college seemed to pass much faster than my high school years. Perhaps because everything is new to the young, they focus on every detail, while adults tune out much that has become routine.
the cause, our perceptions of the passage of time do seem to be related to our
current activities, our degrees of focus, and the amounts of pleasure we get
from those activities. This concept of psychological time is measured by our senses and
brain. This type of time is contrasted with physical time as measured by some
external device such as a clock.
type of time do we experience in dreams? The film industry has much to say
about this with movies like Inception. But
does this movie or other similar interpretations have any real relationship to
actual dreams.
The answer is probably not. Studies have been conducted to try to determine how real time and dreamtime differ. The consensus opinion seems to be that they don’t. See and
The answer is probably not. Studies have been conducted to try to determine how real time and dreamtime differ. The consensus opinion seems to be that they don’t. See and
The passage of time in dreams is
similar to actual waking life. Maybe the explanation given by Christopher
Nolan who made the film Inception is correct. He suggests that because in
dreams we can change locations and focus in an instant, we think that a greater
amount of time is involved.
Suppose in a dream we walk out to our car to drive to work. The scene can abruptly shift from walking to the car to arriving at work. Similarly, once we arrive, the next scene may have us in our office.
We have a perception that a certain amount of time has passed because we associate the drive to work and walk into the building with the passage of a certain amount of time. In fact, only a few minutes may have passed because of the way the mind can rapidly shift scenes and focus, and roughly corresponds with actual time spent dreaming.
Of course, we also have the rapid scene changes in movies and TV programs as well. The passage of a certain amount of time is suggested, but we are observers and realize it does not relate to the actual time spent watching the movie or program. In dreams, we are participants and not just observers, so perhaps we are fooled about the actual time duration as suggested by Christopher Nolan.
Suppose in a dream we walk out to our car to drive to work. The scene can abruptly shift from walking to the car to arriving at work. Similarly, once we arrive, the next scene may have us in our office.
We have a perception that a certain amount of time has passed because we associate the drive to work and walk into the building with the passage of a certain amount of time. In fact, only a few minutes may have passed because of the way the mind can rapidly shift scenes and focus, and roughly corresponds with actual time spent dreaming.
Of course, we also have the rapid scene changes in movies and TV programs as well. The passage of a certain amount of time is suggested, but we are observers and realize it does not relate to the actual time spent watching the movie or program. In dreams, we are participants and not just observers, so perhaps we are fooled about the actual time duration as suggested by Christopher Nolan.
In any case,
one effect is real and can be measured. I have written about the lengthening of
dreams in a previous post. Dreams increase in length as the night progresses,
with the last dream being the longest. The last dream can last up to 45
minutes. So with the additional effect of a long time passage due to rapid
scene changes, we can awake with the perception that we experienced days or
even weeks or longer in the dream.