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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Two More Health Dreams

In the last post, I related a health dream that occurred early in my work with dreams. Now, I will relate two dreams that occurred earlier this year as I was finishing work on my memoir. 

I put in some long hours with changes and final editing of my manuscript, and in the process pushed myself too hard. One night I had a dream in which there was a tremendous explosion leaving a huge crater. I was talking with someone in the dream, and the person suggested I could just cover up the crater. I said no, I would have to do the work of cleaning it out first. 

Shortly after having this dream, I began to feel extremely tired and ached all over when I got up in the morning. I did not feel well at all. I thought about the dream and realized I had overdone my efforts with the book. Then a week or two later, I had the following dream.

An adviser appeared in a dream. Sometimes the adviser is a doctor in a health dream, and other times the adviser just appears as someone of authority. The adviser said my health would be completely restored. He went on to say he could guarantee me restored health in six months. He further gave me some suggestions to help with the recovery, which included altering my current schedule and behavior. 

The aches and lethargy continued for several months, but then gradually improved. In about six months, I was feeling like my old self and the aches were gone.

These dreams show how the subconscious was monitoring my health and providing guidance on how to correct an imbalance. The next dream I relate will show that the subconscious can go far beyond a response to a health situation that might already be known to the conscious mind.

The dream I describe will show that a dream can predict a health problem totally unknown to the conscious mind. It can give the exact timing and correction needed to address an incipient, but not visible, problem.

Monday, July 28, 2014

A Health Dream

Dreams can occur on many levels. Some differentiate the type of dreams by the level of mind that produces it, which I have not done in my book. 

Some dreams, for example, may be body dreams that reflect the state and condition of the physical body. Others may simply be a rehash of the worry of the day. They are generated by a part of the mind that is close to normal consciousness. And still others that involve a higher level of mind may be views of the future that are referred to as visions. 

Finally, some may simply be flashes of psychic awareness that reflect conditions and events of interest to the dreamer, and are not considered dreams by some authors. In my book, I lump all of these together as dreams if I was asleep when they occurred. 

I begin by giving an example of a health dream taken from my book. This dream is interesting because it identifies a problem and gives an unambiguous solution. It also demonstrates the psychic capabilities of the subconscious. I have found that my health dreams are often the easiest to interpret because they deliver their messages in a clear and concise way with limited symbolism. 

"I also had a prostate problem, and despite several trips to the doctor, I still experienced discomfort. One evening I was reflecting on my problem, and later that night I had the following dream. I was shown the front page of a newspaper. The pages began to turn, and I was shown car after car with comments on the suspension system for each. A voice said that my prostate problem was due to the suspension on the car I was driving. After this dream, I began to focus on my car’s ride and realized it really was quite rough. I wasn’t able to get rid of the car immediately, but later the prostate problem cleared up when I was able to buy another car with a better suspension system." 

I can still recall the incredible details given in the dream about various makes and models of cars. Dreams like this have occurred throughout my life and have acted as a constant monitor of my physical condition. 

Tomorrow, I will relate another dream that is not in my book, but occurred this year as I was completing work on my book. It also demonstrates the marvelous understanding the subconscious has of my physical health.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Thoughts About Healing and Dreams

A few comments are in order before I start discussing how to improve one’s health through dream guidance. My own health today in retirement is quite good. Even if I were to discover a critical illness tomorrow, I can look back on my life and work history with gratitude for the many years of good health. I did not miss a day of work due to illness during the last 25+ years of employment. 

However, this was not always the case. When I was a young man, I had health issues and a weak constitution. I can recall missing nearly two weeks of work due to the flu during my early years of employment out of college. I believe my good health over a long period is due in large part to my dreams and putting into practice the guidance that I received. 

In my blog, I will occasionally share information from my life that is not in my book, but complements the material in my book. At other times, I may express some thought that was covered in my book as well. 

The two stories I related, one about an encounter with Kathryn Kuhlman and the other about a man who had a reading from Edgar Cayce, are not in my book, but I believe they add to my story that is told in The Man Who Sees Tomorrow in His Dreams. And they are relevant to my discussion of healing through dream guidance.

Now, what do the two stories have to do with dreams? I think they will shed some light on how dreams work to help bring about healing. I believe faith healing is possible, but I also believe that most people are unable to be healed in that way as an instantaneous occurrence. 

As an example, let’s take a person who has cancer and sees a faith healer for a healing. First, we must ask, is the faith healer really a healer, or like the disciples who could not always heal, despite being with the Master. If the faith healer can heal, does the person believe he can be healed? You might say, of course for why else would they go to see a faith healer? 

Consciously, the person may think he believes, but often it is more a case of the person desperately wanting to believe, but deep down has reservations. And the person may be holding onto his illness because it serves some purpose in his life, so part of him doesn’t really want to get better. I am not suggesting that someone consciously says I want to be sick and feel this bad. However, he may harbor thoughts that are bringing about that result without realizing the connection. 

I believe this is why some are not healed in this manner. Now what if the person appears to be healed of cancer, but later on, perhaps weeks or months, the cancer returns. Was the person really healed? I think the answer might be yes, but after returning home he begins to have doubts, perhaps caused by family and friends who begin to cast doubts about his healing.

The negativity builds, and the inevitable happens. The cancer returns. To understand how Jesus created the proper environment for healing, I suggest you read Physical Manifestations and Philosophy of Christ by Thomson Jay Hudson. This book is a continuation of the classic work Law of Psychic Phenomena

Whether we are “saved” or healed by a faith healer, we cannot return to the state of mind we were in before that event if we want the effect to be lasting. If a person has cancer due to his lifestyle, which can include bad diet, smoking, and inability to handle conflict and emotions, and is healed by a faith healer, he will most likely develop the cancer again unless he becomes a changed person. He cannot go back to his old lifestyle. 

The same is true of enlightenment. Someone can become enlightened during meditation, but it does not place the person in an elevated state for the rest of his life. She must treat each moment as new, and if she slides back into negative thoughts or actions, she can lose ground. During my lifetime, I have seen these situations where reversals occurred for both healing and enlightenment.

Dreams take a balanced approach. Since your subconscious knows all your habits, desires and actions, it can treat problems on the proper level. It your illness is due to a bad lifestyle that includes poor diet and lack of exercise, it will deal with these causes. And if it is due to your state of mind that includes negative thoughts, perhaps hatred and deep resentment, it will deal with that problem.

If you suffer from poor health, there may be multiple causes and they will all be reflected in your dreams. Your dreams may recommend a certain type of doctor, advise you to change what you eat, show you the effects of lack of exercise, and tell you that you will not heal until you learn forgiveness. Deeper problems that are congenital may show karmic effects being played out in this life. 

You can’t fool your subconscious, but you can fool your conscious mind in a variety of ways. Dreams attempt to remove these illusions so you may experience life more abundantly and enjoy the good health to which you are entitled. 

Now, I am not suggesting that a few dreams are going to suddenly cure a major affliction, but you will start to receive guidance and support for your health issues and may be able to cause a remission or reverse a debilitating illness. Like the Cayce approach for the man in my story, results can take time. 

However, small strides each day can eventually turn into a major improvement. You may want to have that one encounter with a healer that suddenly makes you whole, but the reality is there may be things in your own mind you don’t fully understand that are preventing this from happening. Your dreams will help you uncover these issues and help lead you to a better life. And most important, your dreams, if heeded, will prevent you from getting certain diseases that will be in your future without corrective action. 

The key is to be sincere about wanting help with a willingness to change. Your purpose cannot be a selfish one if you want to have positive results. 

Next week I begin to relate some specific examples of dreams that addressed health issues in my life. This will show you the many ways the subconscious can provide health guidance through dreams.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A Man Who Received an Edgar Cayce Health Reading

Perhaps some were disappointed that I did not report verifiable healings taking place during the Kathryn Kuhlman crusade. There may have been healings, but many who expected healings were not healed. 

I think there are reasons for this that go to the heart of what is necessary for a person to be healed. Even Jesus could not work miracles in his hometown, and when he did heal, he met the person on his own level in terms of beliefs. 

There were times when his disciples could not heal, and he admonished them for their unbelief. I will add more thoughts about faith healing later on as I discuss healing through dream guidance. 

It was near the end of the 1960s when I met a man in Dayton, Ohio, who had obtained a reading from Edgar Cayce. This man, who I will call George, was probably in his fifties when I encountered him. 

During World War II and a short time before Edgar Cayce died, this man had sent a request to Edgar Cayce for a reading. Cayce was receiving thousands of requests due to an article in a national publication, which attracted people desperate for news about loved ones in the war. George was fortunate enough to have his letter as one selected from the stacks of mail. As I recall the event, to the best of my knowledge the following is what he told me. 

George said he was very sick at the time. He was not a large man, and I would guess his normal weight at about 135 lbs. He said that when he sent the request for a reading his weight was down to 85 lbs. Also, he said he was experiencing frequent blackouts. 

He provided little information to Cayce other than his name and address. He said he was quite surprised when he received the reading in the mail. Cayce detailed his current condition, including his blackouts, which he said were the result of a medication recently prescribed by his doctor. The reading then gave him a number of things to do to restore his health. These included changes to his diet, spinal adjustments, exercise, and things related to his mental state. 

George said that he did not get better overnight. But as he implemented the suggestions in the reading, his health began to improve. He said it was about six months before he regained all his weight and his health was restored. 

I did not see the reading and don’t know the details of the recommendations in the reading. However, I do know from perusing hundreds of Cayce health readings that Cayce’s approach was a holistic one. His recommendations ran the entire gamut of known treatments. He often recommended spinal adjustments, but also recommended changes to the diet, exercise, hydrotherapy, massage therapy, electrical treatments, and ultraviolet or infrared light treatments.

For medication, he often gave a formulation of natural ingredients to be made as specified in the reading. And in some cases, when there was no alternative, he recommended surgery.

A key theme, though, throughout the readings is the necessity for the person to establish the right attitude and become more spiritual in nature. In Cayce’s view, for true healing the spiritual forces must become active in a person’s life. Meditation is a way to help accomplish this, and for some with critical diseases, he said deep meditation was required to achieve significant progress with healing. 

In the Cayce approach, the treatment was tailored to the condition and needs of the individual. He might advise consuming large quantities of some food for one person and tell another to stay away from any quantity of that food. 

Specific types of doctors were sometimes recommended, and he advised people to find doctors who understand their bodies. This has become increasingly difficult with the limited time a doctor can spend with a patient nowadays. However, I found an osteopath who understands my body, and I make a monthly visit for a spinal adjustment, which helps maintain my overall health. 

The Cayce approach is a balanced one where the best is taken from a large number of disciplines for healing. There are medical doctors who follow the suggestions given in the readings and work in cooperation with the Association for Research and Enlightenment. Although what Cayce says about healing sounds like what a faith healer might say, he recognizes the spiritual or creative force at work in the doctor, who can be an instrument of divine help as well.


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Conclusion to Encounter with Kathryn Kuhlman

Rev. Kuhlman walked up to me, said a brief blessing, and touched me on the forehead. Seconds later, I too was lying on the floor along with numerous other people. 

So what happened? What caused me to collapse like the others I witnessed? From observing the event, one might get the impression the people were zapped by some mysterious force or charge and rendered unconscious. I think this would be a misunderstanding of what really happened. I never lost consciousness. 

When she touched my forehead, I saw a band of light that that moved across my visual horizon like a curtain of light moving horizontally across a window. As the light moved across my horizon, I felt the most gentle, caring cleansing or washing away of every care and concern in my life. I was free of all fears and problems. I collapsed like the others because I was so relaxed by the removal of all the stress built up over the years that I fell into the arms of the catchers.

I was not knocked to the floor; I was relaxed to the floor. I recall that as I lay on the floor, I was aware of the audience. But I didn’t care that I was lying in front of thousands of people. I felt wonderful. 

Now, I didn’t go to the crusade for a healing. I didn’t have any major health problems that I thought needed to be healed. However, many people with serious illnesses in the audience thought they were healed. I have no way of knowing if healings occurred on that day. 

A doctor who did follow-up studies of people who claimed they were healed by Kathryn Kuhlman at one of her crusades did not find any evidence that they were actually healed. Clearly, something happened there that day. 

This type of faith healing is reminiscent of healings performed by Jesus as described in the New Testament. So were the people healed that day, but later relapsed back into their illness? If so, why did this happen? Or did the healings not really occur at all? Kathryn Kuhlman was very controversial during her life and had some major detractors. However, I cannot deny what I experienced there that day. 

I related this story because it illustrates one view of and approach to healing, and it has some relevance to what I have learned about healing through my dreams. Tomorrow, I will relate what I was told by a man who had a health reading from Edgar Cayce. 

The approach taken by Cayce is different from that of a faith healer, but faith still plays an extremely important role in his recommendations. The Cayce approach is holistic. In fact, Edgar Cayce is considered by many to be the father of modern holistic medicine.

Monday, July 21, 2014

An Encounter with a Famous Faith Healer

Last week, I said I was going to address dreams and healing this week. But before I talk about dreams, I decided to relate a couple of stories, both dating back more than forty years. These stories will provide some background for my discussion of what I learned about healing through my dreams. 

The first story is about my encounter with a faith healer and occurred before I began my work with dreams, and the second story is about a man I met who had a reading from Edgar Cayce. That encounter took place shortly after I began a study of my dreams. 

It was during the 1960s, and I had only been married a short time. My wife and I learned a famous faith healer and evangelist named Kathryn Kuhlman was going to hold a crusade in Columbus, Ohio, where we had both attended college. 

At this point in my life, I can longer recall why we decided to make the drive and attend her revival because we were not even religious in the traditional sense. I think it was because we were both searching for meaning and were curious about what happened during one of her crusades. As I recall, we were investigating different beliefs, churches, and approaches to God at that time. However, I was quite skeptical about seeing a faith healer. 

The crusade was held in a large auditorium, and when we arrived, I was stunned by what I saw. We could not get into the main auditorium because it was filled to capacity. We were in an adjoining building surrounded by wheelchairs and cots filled with people who were not ambulatory. I saw a sea of human bodies suffering from a multitude of afflictions. Many made this trip as a last hope. 

We heard Rev. Kuhlman give an emotional sermon, and during the sermon she pointed to various people, some with critical diseases, and proclaimed them healed. After her sermon and audience healing, she began her signature process of inviting people to the stage for her touch and gift of the Holy Spirit that resulted in their collapse to the floor where they lay motionless for several minutes. 

As people lined up, my wife and I saw an opportunity to enter the main hall. When we did, we entered an aisle that led to the stage. Now, I was introverted and had no intention of going on stage. However, a large crowd of people surged up the aisle as she invited more to come to the stage, and the crowd caught me and carried me onto the stage. 

There was no place else to go and the force of the bodies pushing me was enormous. So I found myself standing on stage looking out over thousands of people. I remember thinking this is crazy. Rev. Kuhlman walked up to a person, said a brief blessing, touched the person on the head, and the person collapsed into the arms of men who stood behind each person as catchers who gently laid the person on the floor. 

As she conducted this process with the people in front of me, I thought that she was going to be surprised and embarrassed when I was still standing after she touched me. Frankly, I thought it was just a show and I was beginning to become irritated by the heat and crowd. Then my turn came. Tomorrow, I will describe what happened.    

Friday, July 18, 2014

Dream Benefits and Avoidance—Continued

By ignorance about dreams, I simply mean lack of knowledge about dreams and their possible benefit. Perhaps you don’t recall any dreams and no one has ever explained the benefits of dreams and that you can train yourself to remember them. 

Disbelief is involved when you think you can remember your dreams, may see some limited benefit, but don’t believe the benefits are worth the effort. You do not think that dreams can provide answers to pressing personal problems. 

I believe fear is one of the key reasons people largely ignore their dreams. Most of us are doing some things in our lives that we know are not beneficial, and we are avoiding doing some things we know we should do. These are the famous sins of commission and omission. 

The thoughts about our shortcomings help form our self-image, and if our self-image is already weak, we may be terrified by what we will find in our dreams. The response is often, “I’d rather not know.” Now, you can overcome this, for a time, by selectively filtering out dreams that show you or your actions in a bad light and focusing on the positive dreams that show them in a good light. But to progress, you must eventually face the self in the other dreams.

I think it is much like taking a test. If you don’t think you have done well, you are not anxious to get the test results.

If you are unwilling to change, you will probably continue to see the same dream themes occur nightly. You may even have a recurring dream. Perhaps you gotten the message on an intellectual level, but have not understood what you must do to progress. In this scenario, you will probably lose interest in a short time with the belief that the dreams aren’t really helping much. 

Finally, we have limited time. You may really believe that dreams can do everything I listed as benefits, but consider it too time consuming to seriously pursue them. You tell yourself that you will take up dream study when you have more time, which generally means never. Serious dream study is just not a priority for you. 

However, I point out in my book how dream study can save a person hundreds or even thousands of hours of grief over some situation the individual would not be in had the dream messages been deciphered and acted upon. The time spent working with dreams will pay dividends many times over the effort expended. 

The great 20th century psychic Edgar Cayce said many things about dreams in his readings. He said that we could all do what he did through our dreams, if we are willing to pay the price. And he said that every significant event in our lives is foreshadowed in a dream. This second claim is what launched me into my serious study and work with dreams many years ago and is the subject of my book. 

I have pointed out the most common of the reasons people largely ignore their dreams. If you don’t work with your dreams, you have to decide if you want to remain in one of the categories or start changing your life by tapping into this immense power available to you each night while you sleep. 

Your dreams are part of your life, and they are there even if you ignore them. By discounting them, you are dismissing two hours or more of your life each day as insignificant. Next week when I begin to discuss dreams and healing, I will show you just how significant they can be.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Dream Benefits and Avoidance

Now, if you follow my suggestions or those of some other source and begin to remember your dreams, what do you do? What can you expect from your dreams? 

I indicated in a previous blog that dreams are for the benefit of the individual. This is a strong theme in metaphysical writings and confirmed by scientific studies. 

This benefit can affect all aspects of your life: physical, mental, and spiritual. As you remember dreams, you are beginning to tap into an immense reservoir of knowledge and uncover forces with a power that often transcends your conscious understanding. Your dreams can help heal your mind and body, if you are open and sincere about seeking help from this source. 

In my book, I describe how I improved my health, removed mental blocks, and gained in spiritual understanding through my dreams. As I said earlier, my approach to dreams was a practical one, and these benefits occurred in real, measurable ways. 

If we all have this fantastic source of help at our disposal, why don’t more people incorporate dream study into their daily lives—I have encountered few people who even attempt to do what I have spent over forty years doing. Dreams appear to be a magic genie, and I think most people would want that. So why don’t more people pursue dreams? 

I believe there are many reasons people ignore their dreams. The main reasons I have observed during my life are the following: ignorance about dreams, disbelief, fear, unwillingness to change, and limited time.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

More on Remembering Dreams

As you begin to remember dreams upon awakening, focus on the dreams before getting up. Make sure the details are firmly set in your memory before moving around. Otherwise, you will discover just how fleeting dreams can be. The simple act of getting out of bed, or even moving about in bed, can result in the loss of the dreams if you haven’t made an effort to commit them to memory. 

In this regard, I find trigger words can be helpful, particularly if you don’t want to record the entire dream when you awaken in the middle of the night. Sometimes the recall of a single word associated with the dream will bring the entire dream back into conscious memory. 

Your dream cycles can be affected by your sleep patterns. Try to get into a regular sleep pattern that provides an adequate amount of sleep. Also, the importance of daily meditation cannot be overstated. Regular periods of meditation will bring peace and harmony into your nighttime sleep and dreams, as well as your conscious life. 

Meditation opens the channels for guidance and makes clear your intent to your subconscious. Spiritual dreams and visions, in particular, seemed to increase in frequency and clarity when I started meditating regularly, an experience shared by others on a similar path.


Monday, July 14, 2014

Remembering Dreams

Dream study was natural for me because I remembered dreams even as a young child. During my years growing up, I was always aware of my dreams, but an attempt to uncover their meaning did not come until I was out of college.

When I was ready, the dreams were there and I just needed to record and examine them. You may well say, “That is fine for you, but I don’t remember any dreams.” I understand your dilemma and offer some suggestions that I believe will help.

The real key to remembering dreams is the desire to remember them. You must want to remember them and be serious about deciphering their messages. You can’t just dabble with an occasional dream that you find interesting. Working with dreams is a process that involves more than a halfhearted attempt to remember one. 

If you are serious about working with and learning from your dreams, you should do the following. Before falling asleep and as you gradually drift off, repeatedly tell yourself that you will remember your dreams. In whatever words or form you find most comfortable, establish that message to your subconscious as a fact. 

Keep a notebook or recorder by your bedside for recording your dreams upon awakening. This also further establishes your seriousness about remembering your dreams. Some have even suggested drinking water before going to bed. Getting up during the night to use the bathroom will increase the chances that you awaken during a dream cycle. 

The key is intent. You must want to remember your dreams. If you are afraid that they will frighten you, you are likely to inhibit their recall. Or if you are only mildly interested, your ability to remember them is likely to suffer. 

Do not become discouraged if you do not remember any dreams after trying my suggestions the first time. The message must be registered on your subconscious and it may be several days before you achieve success. Be persistent each night before falling asleep, and you will eventually be successful.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

An Early Precognitive Dream?

In my book The Man Who Sees Tomorrow in His Dreams, I discuss what I said was my first precognitive dream. Actually, this only applied to my adult life. I did not mention a clear memory of a recurring dream as a young child. 

My father was still alive, so I was at most five years old, my age when he died. In the dream, the scene was one of winter, which I found familiar living in Vermont. I saw an enormous ball of snow and ice that started rolling down the hill toward our house. It reached the house and began crushing everything in its path.

After my father died, my life and my brother’s life rapidly changed from one of comfort and security to one of scarcity and fear. My mother was overwhelmed with medical bills, and she had not been in the work force for nearly twenty years. 

She soon was working several jobs to buy the basics and keep us in our house. Calls from bill collectors became common, and doing without what many of our friends took for granted was just accepted. Our standard of living had been crushed by my father’s death, and I no longer had the recurring dream.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Why We Dream

Your dreams are about you, the dreamer. A friend, a dream interpreter, or a book may suggest possible meanings to you, but the real discovery of their meaning must be made by you. 

The full significance of the words and images in the dream is unique to you. Your subconscious chose them out of an infinite reservoir for a reason, because they convey its message better than other words and images. And only you can know the full impact of their emotional content. 

Also, awareness comes when we discover a truth for ourselves. Others may have told us things about ourselves for years that we accept intellectually, but the light comes on when we really feel it and understand it on a “gut” level. 

So why do we dream? Why is our subconscious sending us messages? The answer is not simple because there is no universal agreement about the true purpose of dreams. 

Scientists have developed theories that have evolved over time, and mystics and psychics have added their own perspective. For Freud they represented our repressed fears and desires with deep sexual overtones. Carl Jung took a more enlightened approach and saw them as representing our heritage and our potential. 

Edgar Cayce gave many readings on dreams, and in the view expressed in the readings, dreams were for the “benefit of the individual.” They serve a problem solving function and lead to the discovery of new talents and abilities. 

However, this assumes the individual is sincerely trying to improve his or her life. Otherwise, the dreams are likely to be chaotic and of little use. I found that my dreams are the clearest when I meditate on a regular basis, establishing my purpose as one seeking help from the spiritual forces.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Guidance through Meditation and Dreams

Are you unhappy or do you feel unfulfilled in your job or personal life?
As you face your daily struggles, do you often think there must be a better way?
Do you wish you could find what your true purpose is in life?
Would you like to receive concrete guidance for improving your life 

If your answer is yes to any of the above, the approach utilizing meditation and dreams I describe through the blog posts may provide the help you are seeking. 

Meditation in some form now seems to be understood as beneficial by many people, including the scientific community. But why should we care about dreams? I think there are many reasons that I will cover in my posts. And these reasons include getting answers to the above questions. 

Humankind has certainly always been aware of dreams, and we find significant dreams in the bible. Many books have been published about dreams and dreaming, and psychotherapists often explore the patient’s dreams to obtain a better understanding of the patient. 

All kinds of theories have evolved about the meaning and significance of dreams, but few people actually incorporate the meaning of their dreams into their daily life. They may for a short time reflect on a strange or upsetting dream, but it is considered a novelty and not of any real significance. I believe this is a major misunderstanding.

The great psychic Edgar Cayce said that not enough attention was given to the meaning of dreams and their significance in our lives. Seth, Jane Robert’s trance essence, pointed to dreams as not only significant, but the workshop where we build the events of the next day. And an understanding of dreams was integral to the philosophy and teachings of the famous psychiatrist Carl Jung. 

My approach to dreams is a practical one. To warrant the time and effort to record and study them, my dreams had to have relevance to my daily life. If my subconscious was communicating with me through dreams, how were these communications going to help me in my daily struggles? How could I live a better and more productive life by utilizing guidance from my dreams? Like many, I enjoy metaphysics and often explore the theoretical, but the real gains are made each day as I deal with challenges and overcome obstacles. 

A dream in which you are a person of royalty or an influential leader in a previous life may be interesting and make you feel important, but is unlikely to be literal and it will require work to uncover the true meaning. And often the true meaning is less flattering. 

If you are open to the truth, to see yourself as you are, not as you think you are or would like to be, follow the content in these blog posts. The rewards can be enormous and will open you up to an enlarged and richer view of your world. 

If you don’t remember your dreams, I will offer some suggestions to help you with their recall. Everyone does dream, even if you don’t remember them, and with desire and perseverance, you will be able to tap into this enormous reservoir of wisdom for the betterment of your life. 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Tomorrow, I am starting a series of entries that examine the nature of dreams and show you how you can tap into the enormous potential of your dreams for help for any problem, whether it is physical, mental, or spiritual. This information will be available under the blog tab on and on

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Guidance from Dreams and Intuition

The following two paragraphs are taken from my book. I think they are useful for people who are trying to find guidance for problem solving and making good decisions.

      "I found that dreams are a powerful source of help in solving problems. The subconscious has more resources than the conscious mind, along with a seemingly perfect memory and deductive capability. For maximum benefit, I proceeded in the following way. I began by working at solving the problem with my conscious reasoning mind. If research was required, I did the homework. After I had exhausted my conscious resources, I asked for help from a dream before falling asleep. I tried to be specific; if I had arrived at a conclusion or answer, I asked for confirmation. If I couldn’t find a solution, I asked for an answer that was in harmony with what was best for everyone involved.
Similar help can also be obtained directly through prayer and meditation, especially when faced with a yes/no situation. Cayce suggested the following approach (Edgar Cayce Reading 2072-14). Reach an answer through your conscious efforts. Take the question into meditation, and listen for an answer. If you have reached the right conclusion, the answers should agree. I have successfully used both approaches for solving a variety of problems."

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The paperback version of The Man Who Sees Tomorrow in His Dreams is now available on and through other major distribution channels, including independent bookstores.