From humans’ desire to know the
future, prophets have emerged who claim that God has shown them the future. In
modern times, many psychics who claim to see the future may not attribute the
visions directly to God, at least the traditional concept of God, but just say
the spirit or an angelic presence has shown them what they describe.
Those who have made predictions
that have come true quickly find adherents and are followed by large numbers of
people. Perhaps the most famous seer is Nostradamus whose prophecies are still
widely studied more than 450 years after his death. In modern times, Edgar
Cayce is regarded by many as a prophet even though few of his readings deal
with prophecy. He is known for his predictions about Earth changes that involve
dramatic changes to the surface of the Earth. I will focus on his predictions about
Earth changes in a later post.
Gordon-Michael Scallion is another
person has devoted much of his life to the production of maps that show
dramatic changes to the geography of the Earth after a series of cataclysmic
events. The maps are based on his visions from dreams. The predictions are like
Cayce’s but much more detailed. The maps were produced in the early 1990s.
Other visionaries such as Lori Toye (see have produced similar maps as well. Her map was produced in 1989 as I am America. Although she appears to predate Gordon-Michael Scallion, he received information from a psychic awakening ten years earlier about future earth changes and began publishing information about Earth changes in the 1980s (see
Edgar Cayce’s predictions and the
changes shown by Gordon-Michael Scallion focused on the turn of
the century for the greater changes. The changes would start earlier, but
significant alterations in the Earth that change the contours of many countries
would occur by the year 2000 or shortly thereafter. This has not happened. Some have criticized both Cayce, Scallion, and Toye as just doomsayers with ridiculous predictions that never come
So, are people such as Nostradamus,
Cayce, and Scallion true prophets, or are they just frauds or misguided souls? If
they are prophets, why did their prophecies not come true? I think this this
question strikes at the heart of prophecy and involves the nature of time. From
my dreams, I have learned that time is an illusion that has meaning to us on
this Earth, but on a deeper subconscious level may not have the same significance.
The following is my belief. When the
subconscious shows us a vision of the future, that future already exists on a
psychic level. It just has not been brought into the material world. There is
an infinite number of psychic realities, one of which may become physical. If
we see a vision of the future, it just means that the particular psychic event
shown in the vision is the most likely one to become physical reality. So, why
does one psychic reality become physical versus another? I think we all
participate in that selection through our thoughts and actions. If a strong pattern
in people’s thoughts and actions exist, then the future can be seen before the
complete physical manifestation occurs. But a sudden change in people’s thought
pattern occurs, a different physical reality will occur in the future.
I believe that real prophecy is
often a warning to humankind about what will happen based on the path that
humans are on. If the warnings are heeded, the events prophesied will not
occur. Unfortunately, the warnings are often not heeded. Now, not everything is
under human control. The Earth has its own cycles that will play out over time.
These cycles may be affected by human operations like mining, creation of
greenhouse gases, and destruction of balances in nature, but major cycles
probably cannot be changed.
I think our current problems with
climate change are a result of human operations, as science as shown, but cycles
that bring about earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will occur and have
occurred as part of the Earth’s natural cycles. We may just have reached a
cycle where these natural events become prominent, in addition to climate
change caused by humans. Cayce’s and Scallion’s predictions deal with these
natural cycles.
Are the prophecies of Cayce and
Scallion wrong, or just delayed? In some of Cayce’s answers, he indicated that
exact times could not be given. Scallion gave times within a period spanning a
decade or so, and his times are wrong, if these events are still to occur. It
is possible that Cayce and Scallion were both influenced by the focus on
expected great changes because of the year 2000. But time as we know it doesn’t
exist in the greater consciousness. And maybe the changes we are beginning to
see were just delayed. I believe we will have the answer this decade.
People like exact answers. That is
not the nature of things. I have seen in my dreams how things are in a state of
constant flux. I cannot look at an event and say it will happen, but some are
almost certain. If someone is on a fixed path and resistant to change, their
future could be seen with a high degree of confidence. In your dreams, you will
see the future you are building. But it can be changed; however, you must make the decision
to create a different reality. A warning in a dream is exactly that. If it is
personal, you can probably prevent its occurrence though change. If it broader
than just your life, you may not be able to change it, but you can prepare for
You may not be able to prevent a
drought, earthquake or volcanic eruption, but you can prepare for them.
Prophets have warned us about Earth changes; it is up to humans to take the
appropriate action. Because the greater changes have not yet occurred does not
mean they will not occur; they may just have been delayed. I think we will have
the answer before this decade ends.
Another reason that many prophecies appear
to not come true relates to an understanding of the message itself. Visions and
prophetic messages are like dreams; the vision or message is symbolic and not
literal. I have had psychics tell me something about my future that I
understood because I knew the meaning of the symbolism; they were relating it
to me as a literal message, which it was not. And they did not understand the
message. You can find more about my interaction with and investigations of psychics
in my books.
People often examine the prophecy as
a literal communication and may completely miss the real meaning. This
situation occurs with the interpretation of much of the Bible. Some understand
it as literal in its meaning, even when a literal interpretation does not make
sense. I do not intend to start a religious debate here, but even the Biblical
account of dreams required interpretation of the symbolism to reveal the
Some say that it is a cop out to assign
a symbolic meaning to a prophecy. They claim that anything a person wants it to
mean is then possible. I don’t think that is the case, but things are not as
simple and definitive as some would like. Whether it involves dreams or
prophecy, we often must search for the meaning. If you want your dreams to
simple deliver message to you on your terms, you are likely to be disappointed.
The subconscious cannot be controlled in that way.
In the next post, I will begin to examine
some of the Cayce prophecies concerning Earth changes. They are shocking and hard
to accept. Of course, the worse scenarios presented may never happen. But I
think we must all realize that humans have a certain arrogance that prevents us
from believing that cataclysmic events could occur simply because we are here.
We are facing threats from COVID-19
and climate change. And many are still in denial with a large percentage of the
adult population refusing to be vaccinated. I understand concerns about
vaccines, but the data is clear. Those getting serious cases of the disease and
becoming hospitalized or dying are not the vaccinated; almost all have not been
Climate change is no longer a joke
to people in the western states with unbearable record high temperatures, nor
was it in Texas during the winter storm that knocked out power to millions. It
will get worse. The coronavirus and climate change have become political issues
when they should not be. Politicians should be cooperating to deal with huge
challenges to our way of life. Now some of the states with the lowest
vaccination rates are turning to the federal government for help. During the
loss of power in Texas during the winter storm, they asked the federal
government for help when many there wanted to be independent of the federal government.
They want to be independent until there is a serious problem.
We are not isolated islands. On a
deeper lever of consciousness, we are all connected. What affects one affects
all. We have become divided in this country, which is the greatest overall threat
to our future.
My posts have become more frequent
because the situation has become more dire. Throughout history advanced civilizations
have thought they would prevail forever, but the seeds of their eventual destruction
were evident to those who would look without bias. I am not predicting the end
of the world or collapse of America, but I am saying that life will become very
painful for many of its inhabitants. The time to prepare is now. The time to
change is now because I believe it will be much harder later.