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Thursday, July 22, 2021

A Created Chaos

I am appalled that political pettiness has created a disaster that need not have happened. I am referring to the pandemic and the flood of misinformation that has been circulated for political reasons. The pandemic was mishandled from the very beginning by an administration slow to acknowledge it was a serious threat. Even now there are politicians who are trying to gain a political advantage by opposing vaccinations when they have been shown to be very effective. The threat to your health from COVID-19 is much greater than from the vaccines.


The ignorance of facts and politicizing of a heath emergency has created chaos in many areas of this country. This need not have happened. As a young man, I lived through the threat of polio. In fact, at my first job out of graduate school, my boss had one arm as a useless appendage because of polio. When a vaccine became available, there was concern about side effects, but I do not recall any of the craziness that I am now seeing. Many generations have escaped the often-crippling effects of the disease thanks to Dr. Jonas Salk.


Almost half of this country has accepted hearsay and ridiculous claims over science and heath recommendations from the experts. Some of the early detractors of vaccinations in Congress and the news media are now advising people to get vaccinated. Unfortunately, they are late to do so and created a mind set early on among some groups that is now difficult to overcome. We cannot run our country from Facebook or Twitter; for health guidance we need to listen to the people with the background and training to properly advise us. This does not mean they are never wrong. But the odds of them being right are much greater than the uneducated who don’t know the difference between a virus and bacteria.


When I hear a politician with no training in science make some of the claims they make, I am dumbstruck. I am even more dismayed when I see the number of people who take the politicians advice over someone such as Dr. Anthony Fauci. And when I hear people say it is their constitutional right to not wear a mask, I wonder if they think it is their constitutional right to infect me and others at the grocery store and other public places. Some of the younger people have said the following: I am healthy and strong, so I don’t see any need to be vaccinated. I think that is ignorance speaking. When I hear this, I think about the girl who went to a party, contracted COVID-19, and then gave it to a grandparent who later died.


We cannot get COVID-19 to a manageable level with less than half of the population vaccinated. We need to stop the madness with all the politics and follow the health advice of the experts. If our approach to climate change follows our approach to the coronavirus, as current events suggest is the case, we are in for a long dark night. As with the coronavirus, early on the threat was minimized by many. And only now, as many regions are engulfed in fires, drought, flooding, and unsafe air are we beginning to recognize the magnitude of the problem. But political bickering may keep the needed urgent action from occurring. And we will find ourselves in chaos as the fires, drought, and storms spread throughout the nation. For decades, scientist have been warning about the real possibility of a pandemic. And for decades scientist have been warning about the threat of climate change. The scientists are not the problem; the problem lies in Congress. The problem lies with the American people.

When My Time Comes


A position I have often heard people take is something like the following: I’ll die when my time comes. What I do doesn’t matter. They usually offer this “wisdom” as a justification for some unhealthy lifestyle. It is often a rationalization for bad behavior and an abdication of personal responsibility.


The two-packs-a-day of cigarettes, excessive drinking, gross overeating, unhealthy diets, lack of any exercise, and/or frequent partying into the early morning hours don’t really matter in terms of my life expectancy, so they reason. When it is my time, I will pass regardless of my lifestyle.


This position disconnects their thoughts and actions from their physical lives. They may believe they have free will, but they think free will won’t affect their longevity. They believe what they think about has no impact on when they will die.


Where does this position stand with philosophers? It can certainly be considered deterministic. Somehow God or the universe has decided their length of time on this Earth and nothing they can do will change that. When their number is up, that is it. Of course, many will disagree with the belief. The best of New Age thought holds that we create our own reality, including our life spans, through our free will.


Edgar Cayce was fond of the phrase “Mind is the Builder” and Seth (see Jane Roberts) taught that we create our own reality through our beliefs. We are not the helpless victims of an unpredictable world; we are creators of the personal world we experience and participate in the creation of the broader world in which we live.


If we don’t like what we see in our lives, we need to examine ourselves rather than casting blame on others or on circumstances that we feel are beyond our control. A better life starts with self-examination; this is where change must start.


Change is often hard. Many would rather change everything else before making any changes to themselves. I recently watched a documentary titled Healing. It explored alternative medical approaches to healing. Some of the results were amazing. But some interviewees with serious diseases had great difficulty making the changes they needed to make to bring about healing. It is not unusual to hear stories of cancer patients refusing to give up the cigarettes that caused the cancer right up to the moment of their demise.


For some it is just easier to believe that what they do really doesn’t matter. But it matters very much. The seriously ill who can change and reach that point of stillness within themselves can have miraculous cures. To get to that point often requires changes in several areas: diet, exercise, job, and relationships. The adoption of regular meditation is extremely important. The healing comes from within, and to bring about that healing you must establish the right mental and spiritual environment.


In addition to the above, I would add the study of your dreams. Your dreams are about you: your beliefs, struggles, relationships, hopes, desires, etc. They are not separate from your daily life. Whatever issues you have in your daily life will be reflected in your dreams. It is often there the answers are found for what may seem to be an insoluble problem. Areas where change is needed will be shown, as well as areas when you are doing well. Your dreams will reflect harmony in your daily life. And they will also reflect discord in your daily life.


Many people find dreams confusing and non sensical. I believe there are two main reasons for this. First, they try to interpret the dreams in a literal way, and if they make no sense literally, they give up. Even if the dreams do make sense literally, they are probably not literal. They are symbolic, and the person is disappointed that the literal dream event they are expecting to occur never happens. Second, they do not see the dreams as related to their daily lives. I believe most dreams can be interpreted by examining your thoughts, feelings, and interactions the day prior to or the day after the dream. It takes time to learn your unique symbolism in your dreams, but once you do, you will find that many dreams are easy to interpret.


Success with dream interpretation requires getting to know yourself: your actual self, not the self you hope you are or would like to be. It requires honesty with yourself and a degree of humility. You can ignore your dreams and say you don’t want to know your real self. But others will often see you more clearly than you see yourself, and they will be aware of your shortcomings even if you are not.


We are facing enormous challenges in our lives. This decade will bring about changes that many will not be able to cope with. I believe that those who know themselves and can reach that quiet place within will be able to persevere and come through this period stronger than ever before. For those focused only on the material, I believe life will not make much sense. Fear and despair are likely to rule.


The length of your life is not what is important; the important thing is the progress you make in fulfilling your soul’s purpose. Just like the length of our lives, the experiences we have on our paths through life are created by us. We mold the lives we live by our beliefs, thoughts, and actions. To those who say they will die when their time comes and nothing that they do will change that, my response is with that belief, it may come a lot sooner than you want or desire.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Gordon-Michael Scallion and Lori Toye on Earth Changes

Since the death of Edgar Cayce in 1945, others have also made predictions about major changes to the geography of the Earth. Previously, I mentioned Scallion and Toye as two prophets who have produced detailed maps showing changes that they saw in visions or dreams. The changes they show in their maps are much more detailed than the Cayce predictions, which were verbal descriptions about changes to various parts of the US and some other parts of the world. Versions of the Scallion and Toye maps include the entire world.


The maps created by Toye are different from those of Scallion in that they show various scenarios of what could happen. The Scallion maps depict the state of the country and world after all the changes. Toye indicates that the worst scenario may not occur and is dependent upon humanity—our thoughts and actions. The worst-case scenarios depicted by Toye’s I am America maps and Scallion’s Earth changes map are similar. As in the case of Cayce, monumental changes are predicted for the East and West coasts with other parts of the country affected to varying degrees. California becomes a series of islands, and the ocean extends to Phoenix. Much of Florida is lost to the ocean.


Gordon-Michael Scallion had a newsletter for many years in which he would give predictions as he received them. I subscribed to the newsletter and was able to see for myself the degree of his accuracy. I have seen posts on the web from people who claim that none of his predictions ever came true. This is not the case; I found his accuracy rate remarkably high. His predictions about the real estate collapse in 2007 and the banking crisis were spelled out well in advance of these events. It is true that we are beyond the time frame for the Earth changes he indicated in his maps; as in the case of Cayce, the great changes predicted have not occurred. Scallion also has a book titled Notes from the Cosmos that details his development as a prophet or futurist, as he referred to himself, and his thoughts about dreams, prophecy, and the future.


Scallion indicated that in the future water would be worth its weight in gold. And that is certainly becoming the case in the West. He made claims about the importance of water: too little in drought-stricken area and too much in flooded areas. Some areas will have no water and become deserts and others will be under water.


Scallion, as well as Cayce, gave early warning signs for the changes such as volcanoes in North America becoming active again and the presence of new diseases. Toye indicates that an asteroid (I believe the word meteor was used but asteroid would be more accurate) strike in the desert in Arizona would precipitate some of the major changes.


The prophetic warnings of Cayce, Scallion, and Toye paint a similar picture of great changes to the Earth with major impact in North America to the East and West Coast and large portions of several other states. Climate will change with many areas in North America becoming warmer. Safe areas will spring up in various parts of the United States to accommodate the migrations from the areas most affected. As predicted by Cayce, few areas will be unaffected.


If you have thoughts about moving from your current location to what you perceive as a safer area, make certain it is not just your conscious mind directing you. You may just move from one kind of threat to another one equally, or more, dangerous. This is one reason for paying attention to your dreams. Your dreams can help guide you in your choices and warn you if you are about to make the wrong decision.


So, are these monumental changes described really going to happen? Or were these prophets just misguided individuals? Maybe they all saw potential changes to the Earth that for some reason did not occur and we are past the threat. This belief is somewhat comforting, but I don’t think it is accurate. The changes we are beginning to experience look like some of the early warnings that were given. Some volcanoes such as Mount PelĂ©e have recently shown increased activity. This was one of the early warning signs given by Cayce. And the increased seismic activity around Southern California and Nevada is another.


Some believe that the purpose of prophecy is to provide warnings so that the events described or shown do not occur. The warnings are intended to bring about changes in thoughts and actions that will lead to a different future. In this view, a prophecy that comes true is a failed prophecy because the warning was not heeded. I think that the climate change we are seeing is an early indication that we have not heeded the warnings of the prophets or scientists. So, I do not hold out much hope that none of the devastating changes predicted will occur. Although cycles of earthquake activity and volcanic eruptions may not be as tied to human behavior as climate, our oil and mineral drilling and the melting of ice caps affect the overall distribution of the mass of the Earth, and they may precipitate unwanted Earth changes. Some have tied fracking to an increase in earthquake activity.


My dreams have shown some of the changes described taking place, from earthquake activity to a sudden axis shift. And my dream in 2018 indicated that weather would get much worse during the next ten to fifteen years, which takes us to 2028 and beyond. We are now seeing weather changes as the reality of climate change is being painfully felt.


If my dream about California with everything turning to sand by 2025 is literal, we will see several more years of extreme drought, which will have a devastating effect on that region and all the food they produce for the nation. The recent heat wave is already affecting crops and it may get much worse. Lakes and reservoirs are at record low levels, and the availability of water is becoming critical in some areas. The dry vegetation is leading to huge forest fires, and we are only in the early summer.


Unfortunately, many in Congress still deny humans’ role in climate change and as a nation we are unprepared for what is happening. If the heat in the West moves to the agricultural belt this year or in coming years, we will have an enormous problem. Crops are already feeling the impact of the heat in the western states. As a nation, we are unprepared for the suddenness and magnitude of the changes we are seeing.


Cities such as Tampa, Phoenix, and Las Vegas are seeing enormous growth. This tells me that many do not believe that climate change is a real threat to them. I think they believe it is just a passing trend that will soon change.


The United States possesses tremendous resources in people and technology. When we focus on a problem and cooperate, there is nothing we cannot achieve. I was active in a high-tech company during the race to the moon, and I saw a vast network of people and companies cooperating to achieve putting a man on the moon. We need that type of effort again to address the challenges we face. We cannot do it with a divided nation and the tremendous animosity I see present today. If we are truly one nation under God, then we can make this decade one of a testimony to the greatness of the human spirit. However, we are out of time. We must start now, and that means as individuals we must put aside our pettiness, greed, and dislike for those with differing opinions and realize we are all one.


Those who are religious need not wring their hands and beg God to not punish us. God did not create the problem; humans did. And through the spirit of God operating in and through us, we can solve it. But we cannot solve it with the spirit of hate and division. We will meet ourselves this decade. We will meet what we have created. If we don’t like what we are experiencing, we must change, and we must do it now.


In future posts, I will explore the effect of thought on the material. Can thought prevent storms and change what we perceive as physical. What is the relationship between the world we perceive, the beliefs we hold, and our daily thoughts? Can new thoughts prevent the Earth changes prophesied? Or were the prophecies warnings to give us time to prepare for the inevitable. If changes to our thoughts and actions are the answer, I think we are headed in the wrong direction with increased friction, animosity, and division prevalent around the world.


As a final note, an interesting article appeared in yahoo news from USA Today (see Perhaps this will be the grand finale of the climate change cycle. If the weather worsens for the 15 years mentioned in my dream of 2018, that would place the end in the year 2033.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Edgar Cayce and Earth Changes

Edgar Cayce (1877–1945) was a famous 20th century seer who would go into a self-induced trance (appearing to be asleep) and answer questions for those requesting help. The sessions were referred to as “readings.” Most of his readings addressed heath issues the requestor was experiencing, sometimes life threatening. The person requesting the reading was normally not present while he gave his responses in trance. A conductor, usually his wife, Gertrude, would pose the questions to the sleeping Cayce.


In addition to health, Cayce’s readings dealt with a variety of other topics such as reincarnation, dreams, the mental, the spiritual, and prophecy. The number of his readings on Earth changes was small, but those readings often have been referenced by the New Age community because of their dire predictions. Cayce matter-of-factly described changes that he saw occurring during future periods. Since Cayce died in 1945, climate change was not yet a topic of concern. However, he addressed changes to the Earth that he saw occurring during the period 1958 to 2001.


My introduction to the Cayce material on Earth changes came from a small booklet based on a study originally published in 1959. The booklet is titled Earth Changes and is published by the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.).  The A.R.E. is a non-profit organization established in 1931 to preserve, study, and make available the psychic readings of Edgar Cayce.


Much of the information in the booklet deals with Cayce readings concerning earlier geologic times. However, some fifteen readings in the study focus on the period 1958 to 2001. Some of Cayce’s predictions have already occurred and been verified. The most shocking ones that are closer to the end period of 2001 have not occurred. Many reasons for this are possible, which I addressed in the last post.


Major changes to the geography of the Earth were forecast. For the period 1958–1998, Cayce’s predictions include the following (paraphrased from the readings).


- Breakup of land in the western part of the US

- Most of Japan lost to the sea

- Sudden changes in northern Europe

- Volcanoes, upheavals, and shifting of the poles


After the changes, much of California and the East coast, including New York City, will be under water. Great portions of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida will be inundated as well.


Few parts of North America will be untouched. In one reading, Cayce says safety lands will comprise parts of Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois, along with southern and eastern Canada and Virginia Beach. This doesn’t leave much for people seeking to stay in the US. Cayce describes other changes such as the Great Lakes emptying into the Gulf of Mexico.


For those who want a thorough understanding of the Cayce readings on Earth changes, I suggest you obtain the booklet described. One of the early changes indicated is earthquake activity in southern California and the area between Salt Lake in Utah and southern Nevada. I find this interesting because of the recent activity in those areas and my dream about seismic activity in southern California. The area recently had an earthquake of magnitude 5.9.


The changes Cayce describes do not occur overnight; it is a gradual process with their culmination in the axis shift and the greater changes. Of course, the major changes described have not occurred yet, but we may now be seeing the beginning of those changes. Before elaborating on this view, I will explore the revelations of Gordon-Michael Scallion and Lori Toye in my next post. They support the predictions of Edgar Cayce, but like Cayce the monumental changes predicted have not yet occurred.


I am NOT suggesting that Edgar Cayce was a prophet of doom. He was anything but that; his message was always one of hope and possibilities for greater good. His prophetic statements were often simply a part of the environment he was describing for the person receiving the reading. They should not be completely surprising because the history of the Earth is one of great change. We just don’t want that change to occur now that we humans are present on the Earth.


In future posts, after focusing on Earth changes, I will address the possibilities for humanity. I believe that we have only just begun to understand our potential for creativity. Employed in a positive way, our creative spirit can pave the way to a golden age. (My own dreams show humanity entering a new age by the end of this decade.) But we are not going to achieve that with the divisions currently present. We are on a path of self-destruction that is playing out in a variety of ways. Our disregard for the environment has caught up with us; climate change is not ordained by God. It was caused by humans, and we must accept responsibility for it. As imbalances in nature occur, we are likely to see extreme side effects such as droughts and famine. And new deadly diseases may emerge from the imbalances.


We are now seeing the effects of climate change in the West with record high temperatures and a diminishing water supply. Adverse effects of a warming world are not something that might happen in the future; they are happening right now and devastating consequences of climate change appear to be accelerating. We must now plan for life in a warming world that may involve dramatic changes to our lives. I believe it is too late to prevent many of the changes that will occur this decade, but it is not too late to plan for living with them.


If the high temperatures in California continue, then my dream of everything turning to sand by 2025 may not seem so unlikely. In the next post, I will describe Gordon-Michael Scallions predictions and claims about water becoming a critical factor for survival because there will either be too much in areas flooding or not enough in areas of drought.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Why Prophecies Often Appear to be Wrong


From humans’ desire to know the future, prophets have emerged who claim that God has shown them the future. In modern times, many psychics who claim to see the future may not attribute the visions directly to God, at least the traditional concept of God, but just say the spirit or an angelic presence has shown them what they describe.


Those who have made predictions that have come true quickly find adherents and are followed by large numbers of people. Perhaps the most famous seer is Nostradamus whose prophecies are still widely studied more than 450 years after his death. In modern times, Edgar Cayce is regarded by many as a prophet even though few of his readings deal with prophecy. He is known for his predictions about Earth changes that involve dramatic changes to the surface of the Earth. I will focus on his predictions about Earth changes in a later post.


Gordon-Michael Scallion is another person has devoted much of his life to the production of maps that show dramatic changes to the geography of the Earth after a series of cataclysmic events. The maps are based on his visions from dreams. The predictions are like Cayce’s but much more detailed. The maps were produced in the early 1990s. Other visionaries such as Lori Toye (see have produced similar maps as well. Her map was produced in 1989 as I am America. Although she appears to predate Gordon-Michael Scallion, he received information from a psychic awakening ten years earlier about future earth changes and began publishing information about Earth changes in the 1980s (see 

Edgar Cayce’s predictions and the changes shown by Gordon-Michael Scallion focused on the turn of the century for the greater changes. The changes would start earlier, but significant alterations in the Earth that change the contours of many countries would occur by the year 2000 or shortly thereafter. This has not happened. Some have criticized both Cayce, Scallion, and Toye as just doomsayers with ridiculous predictions that never come true.


So, are people such as Nostradamus, Cayce, and Scallion true prophets, or are they just frauds or misguided souls? If they are prophets, why did their prophecies not come true? I think this this question strikes at the heart of prophecy and involves the nature of time. From my dreams, I have learned that time is an illusion that has meaning to us on this Earth, but on a deeper subconscious level may not have the same significance. 

The following is my belief. When the subconscious shows us a vision of the future, that future already exists on a psychic level. It just has not been brought into the material world. There is an infinite number of psychic realities, one of which may become physical. If we see a vision of the future, it just means that the particular psychic event shown in the vision is the most likely one to become physical reality. So, why does one psychic reality become physical versus another? I think we all participate in that selection through our thoughts and actions. If a strong pattern in people’s thoughts and actions exist, then the future can be seen before the complete physical manifestation occurs. But a sudden change in people’s thought pattern occurs, a different physical reality will occur in the future.


I believe that real prophecy is often a warning to humankind about what will happen based on the path that humans are on. If the warnings are heeded, the events prophesied will not occur. Unfortunately, the warnings are often not heeded. Now, not everything is under human control. The Earth has its own cycles that will play out over time. These cycles may be affected by human operations like mining, creation of greenhouse gases, and destruction of balances in nature, but major cycles probably cannot be changed.


I think our current problems with climate change are a result of human operations, as science as shown, but cycles that bring about earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will occur and have occurred as part of the Earth’s natural cycles. We may just have reached a cycle where these natural events become prominent, in addition to climate change caused by humans. Cayce’s and Scallion’s predictions deal with these natural cycles.


Are the prophecies of Cayce and Scallion wrong, or just delayed? In some of Cayce’s answers, he indicated that exact times could not be given. Scallion gave times within a period spanning a decade or so, and his times are wrong, if these events are still to occur. It is possible that Cayce and Scallion were both influenced by the focus on expected great changes because of the year 2000. But time as we know it doesn’t exist in the greater consciousness. And maybe the changes we are beginning to see were just delayed. I believe we will have the answer this decade.


People like exact answers. That is not the nature of things. I have seen in my dreams how things are in a state of constant flux. I cannot look at an event and say it will happen, but some are almost certain. If someone is on a fixed path and resistant to change, their future could be seen with a high degree of confidence. In your dreams, you will see the future you are building. But it can be changed; however, you must make the decision to create a different reality. A warning in a dream is exactly that. If it is personal, you can probably prevent its occurrence though change. If it broader than just your life, you may not be able to change it, but you can prepare for it.


You may not be able to prevent a drought, earthquake or volcanic eruption, but you can prepare for them. Prophets have warned us about Earth changes; it is up to humans to take the appropriate action. Because the greater changes have not yet occurred does not mean they will not occur; they may just have been delayed. I think we will have the answer before this decade ends.


Another reason that many prophecies appear to not come true relates to an understanding of the message itself. Visions and prophetic messages are like dreams; the vision or message is symbolic and not literal. I have had psychics tell me something about my future that I understood because I knew the meaning of the symbolism; they were relating it to me as a literal message, which it was not. And they did not understand the message. You can find more about my interaction with and investigations of psychics in my books.


People often examine the prophecy as a literal communication and may completely miss the real meaning. This situation occurs with the interpretation of much of the Bible. Some understand it as literal in its meaning, even when a literal interpretation does not make sense. I do not intend to start a religious debate here, but even the Biblical account of dreams required interpretation of the symbolism to reveal the meaning.


Some say that it is a cop out to assign a symbolic meaning to a prophecy. They claim that anything a person wants it to mean is then possible. I don’t think that is the case, but things are not as simple and definitive as some would like. Whether it involves dreams or prophecy, we often must search for the meaning. If you want your dreams to simple deliver message to you on your terms, you are likely to be disappointed. The subconscious cannot be controlled in that way.


In the next post, I will begin to examine some of the Cayce prophecies concerning Earth changes. They are shocking and hard to accept. Of course, the worse scenarios presented may never happen. But I think we must all realize that humans have a certain arrogance that prevents us from believing that cataclysmic events could occur simply because we are here.


We are facing threats from COVID-19 and climate change. And many are still in denial with a large percentage of the adult population refusing to be vaccinated. I understand concerns about vaccines, but the data is clear. Those getting serious cases of the disease and becoming hospitalized or dying are not the vaccinated; almost all have not been vaccinated.


Climate change is no longer a joke to people in the western states with unbearable record high temperatures, nor was it in Texas during the winter storm that knocked out power to millions. It will get worse. The coronavirus and climate change have become political issues when they should not be. Politicians should be cooperating to deal with huge challenges to our way of life. Now some of the states with the lowest vaccination rates are turning to the federal government for help. During the loss of power in Texas during the winter storm, they asked the federal government for help when many there wanted to be independent of the federal government. They want to be independent until there is a serious problem.


We are not isolated islands. On a deeper lever of consciousness, we are all connected. What affects one affects all. We have become divided in this country, which is the greatest overall threat to our future.


My posts have become more frequent because the situation has become more dire. Throughout history advanced civilizations have thought they would prevail forever, but the seeds of their eventual destruction were evident to those who would look without bias. I am not predicting the end of the world or collapse of America, but I am saying that life will become very painful for many of its inhabitants. The time to prepare is now. The time to change is now because I believe it will be much harder later.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Dreams and Prophecy

Since the earliest times, humans have wanted to know the future. In ancient Greece, visitors would visit the Oracle of Delphi to gain insight into the future. A priestess would answer questions posed by the visitors.


In modern times, we have psychic readers who answer questions posed by visitors or clients. Some psychics have become well known, and the insights of the most famous ones often come at a high price.


Dreams have long been a source of prophecy as well. The Bible contains numerous examples of prophetic declarations, sometimes containing warnings about the future. As I have stated in my books, prophetic dreams did not end with the Bible. They continue today and are experienced by everyone. Most people are unaware of them because they do not record and interpret their dreams.


I am not suggesting that prophetic dreams occur nightly, or even very often. (An exception may be someone who receives a series of prophetic dreams to help humankind.) Edgar Cayce is regarded by many as the most important and best documented psychic and prophetic of the 20th century. Yet, the number of prophecies among his more than 14,000 readings is exceedingly small. I have examined the percentage of his readings regarded as prophetic (concerning conditions and events of a general nature) and applied it to my dreams. The results suggests that I may have a few dreams a year that are truly prophetic. These are dreams that relate to the economy, climate, politics, Earth changes, or something else that is of a general nature and not just related to my life.


If you are not paying attention daily, these dreams can easily be lost among the hundreds that occur each year. In my case, I average between 700 and 1000 recalled dreams a year. All dreams are significant, but the ones with a wide impact will be few. I believe this is one reason that most scientists do not believe dreams are prophetic.


The easiest way to see the reflection of the future in dreams is in your personal life. These dreams may not be as dramatic as those about earthquakes or a stock market crash. But they can and will show you that the future you are building is first experienced in your dreams; encounters and interactions that seen spontaneous when they occur will be foreshadowed in your dreams. In a short time, you will realize that things don’t just happen for no reason as random and unexplained events. You have built the future you will experience.


If you want to find your purpose in life or see where the path you are on is taking you, pay attention to your dreams. On a psychic level, you are living tomorrow in your dreams of the previous night. The day will play out in your sleep before you ever experience it in this physical world. You may not believe me, but the only way you will know for certain if what I am stating is true is to monitor your own dreams. You are not the victim of circumstances; you create the life you live.


In my next post, I will discuss the reasons that prophecies often do not come true.

Saturday, July 3, 2021

A Dream about a Shock Wave


A few weeks after my dream about seismic activity in Florida, I had the following dream. I was with my son in his house in Colorado when an enormous shock wave hit the house. The entire foundation began to shake. I yelled for my son to get down. Then I said it appears to me coming from the west.


That was the entire dream. Now, a symbolic interpretation of the dream would say that the house represents his life, and he is going to experience a great shock. This is certainly a possibility that I do not discount. He has had serious health issues for a long time. But the proximity in time with my dream about California suggests that the two may be related.


My dreams are sometimes literal, and if a mega earthquake were to occur in California or Nevada, it could be felt as far east as Colorado. If this is the meaning of the dream, my comment about the source of the shock coming from the west would make sense. If the dream is about his life, my comment makes less sense.


As always, the answer is often not known until an event occurs that fits the dream. In future posts, I will elaborate on this point. Concerning prophecy, people want answers that are simple and conclusive. However, that is not the way things work. Circumstances concerning our lives and external events in the world are in a continuous state of flux; something that is predicted to occur in the future may not occur because something changed that affected the trajectory of that event. But that does not mean that nothing in the future can be seen because most people do not make decisions that will cause an abrupt change in their future. Many events can be seen as highly probable.


Today, we are seeing the effects of climate change with a record heat wave in the West. And this is only the beginning because the changes needed to prevent this occurrence and others like it did not happen. Governments have been slow to act and now the warnings we received from scientists in previous years about dire consequences if action is not taken are happening. Change is always possible, but the change needed is still not happening. And even with greater urgency and change, we are not going to immediately undo the damage to the Earth and its environment. As my dreams have indicated, I believe that we are facing an extremely difficult decade ahead regardless of our actions.


Recent surveys indicate that the majority of people now believe that climate change is an urgent problem, but many are unwilling to take the necessary actions to minimize its impact (see I think this is a good example of a mental ostrich syndrome; they don’t really see it and what it means for their future lives. It is not enough to simply recognize climate change; we need to take action now and plan for a different future.