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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Staying Healthy Through the COVID-19 Threat

Many people are worried about contracting the COVID-19 virus, which is causing enormous stress. I think there are some basic things you can do to promote a healthy immune system and minimize your susceptibility to the virus. These include having a good diet, regular exercise, daily meditation, and recording your dreams.

Of course, I recommend these practices for other times as well, but they are particularly important now. Your diet will have a big effect on your ability to repel viruses like COVID-19. As a member, I received an email from the A.R.E. that quoted one of the Edgar Cayce readings that is very relevant. The reading stated, “if an alkalinity is maintained in the system — especially with lettuce, carrots and celery, these in the blood supply will maintain such a condition as to immunize a person.” (480-19) This number in parenthesis is the identifier for the specific Cayce reading. All of the readings are catalogued and available online through the A.R.E.

A healthy diet means you should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables with a salad for lunch. Drink enough water to maintain hydration, and don’t rush your meals. The right foods support your immune system, in addition to providing numerous other benefits.

Regular exercise is important. You will feel better and it will help you stay positive during the COVID-19 restrictions. If possible, you should get some sunshine each day for vitamin D.

The health benefits of meditation have been studied and are well documented. Meditation will reduce stress and be beneficial for your immune system. The results of meditation are more than just a feel-good effect; meditation has tangible effects on the chemistry of your body. I refer you to a Forbes’ article by Alice G. Walton, Senior Contributor for Healthcare. It was published Sep 6, 2016, and is titled New Clues Into How Meditation May Boost The Immune System. There are numerous other articles easily found with a web search that describe the many physiological benefits of meditation.

Of course, the recording and analysis of your dreams has been the main subject of my posts. Your dreams provide feedback on your daily thoughts and activities. So if you need to make adjustments in either area, you will see it reflected in your dreams. You may be advised to add some activity to your current schedule that will be beneficial, but escaped your conscious notice.

COVID-19 will eventually pass, but it will probably have a lasting effect on our society. Unfortunately, I think it is but an early warning for challenges we will face this decade. The world was not prepared for such an event, even though infectious disease experts knew it was a distinct possibility. Pandemics were the themes of many movies and TV programs, with some being quite prescient. But governments did not take them seriously.

Now is a good time to reevaluate your life. The things I suggested can improve the quality of your life, even during normal times. And they will prepare you for future challenges. The time to make adjustments in your lifestyle is now, not when the next crisis arrives. Find the center of your being and all your fears will dissolve.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Time to Reevaluate

The world is now facing a situation that has been depicted in movies and TV programs. As is often the case, fiction has become reality. World health organizations have warned about the possibility of a pandemic for many years, so this event should not be the surprise that it is to many politicians and world leaders. I do not believe the United States, and most other countries, were properly prepared for a pandemic. The warnings have been clear for a long time, but they were not heeded.

I don’t want to dwell on what is past, but I do think it serves as a reminder of our unpreparedness for the chaos we are going to experience from climate change because of global warming. For now, climate change is pushed to the background. But when COVID-19 has subsided, the dangers we face from the radical changes in climate the world is experiencing will still be with us. If our political leaders refuse to recognize the dangers, as they are doing and initially did for COVID-19, we are going to see a disaster far greater than what we see from COVID-19.

This is a time for all to reevaluate their beliefs and ideals. President Trump has declared today, March 15, a national day of prayer. However, that alone is not going to change the future. We must behave in a way that proclaims our belief in God, not simply set aside a day of prayer. We must demonstrate in our daily words and actions our faith and belief that we are our brothers’ keeper.

In what do you place your faith? In recent years, material wealth and/or technology have become what many worship. People have come to think that technology can solve all their problems. But here we are with life brought to a standstill by a microorganism. And technology has no ready answer. Thousands will die; there is no medicine to magically destroy the virus. All the wealth in the world cannot provide a cure if you have the Coronavirus.

I think that now is a good time for the many people who are staying home to examine their beliefs. What is your ideal? In what do you place your faith? If you believe there is a God, is it just a hope? Or do you have a real sense of the spiritual power that is at the center of your being? Some may ask the following: I want to reach my true inner self, but I don’t know how. I believe there are three ways to connect with a higher power. They are as follows: prayer, meditation, and dreams.

Prayer demonstrates your intent, your willingness to recognize a higher power. And prayer recognizes your desire to seek help beyond your individual ego.

Meditation helps you connect to that higher power. It stills the conscious mind and prepares you to receive an answer to your prayers. It puts you in touch with your inner self.

Dreams provide another way to receive concrete guidance from a higher power. If you seek sincerely, your dreams will provide an answer, regardless of your conscious feelings about the problem or dilemma for which you seek help. You may consciously thing that your situation is hopeless, that there is no answer. But to the Universal, nothing is impossible, and your dreams often provide solutions that never occurred to your conscious mind.

We are at the beginning of a new decade that my dreams have indicated will be very challenging for all humans. Dramatic Earth changes will take place. The government may be helpless to overt some disasters or respond in a timely way to others, and you may be left alone wondering when help will come. Now is the time to find that source of inner strength so you are never truly alone.

We have seen just how fast our perceived material wealth can dissolve when a crisis occurs. The stock market lost nearly thirty percent in a matter of days. Although it has recovered almost ten percent, the turmoil might not be over. What if the crisis took the market down by fifty percent, or more, and the government had to freeze all accounts or close the market for an extended period. Where is your wealth then?

The answer is not accumulating weapons and ammunition. The answer is recognizing your spiritual nature and finding your comfort from within. I do not know how long the Coronavirus will last. I have not seen a dire outcome for the United States. In one dream, it was dark and cloudy outside, but when I opened the door and went out, I discovered the storm had passed and the sun was shining. So maybe it will be short lived. But if not, I am prepared for whatever happens.

Prior to the financial panic, I had a dream one night that I was in a car with another person. We arrived at what appeared to be a national park. As I got out of the car, I spotted a bear and became afraid. I yelled to my companion that I saw a bear. Then I watched as the bear started to move in my direction, but the bear was abruptly stopped because he or she was tied to a tree. I saw a long rope restraining the movement of the bear. At the time, I thought the dream indicated the danger of a bear stock market, but I was not and am still not certain if the dream was saying the bear market will be very limited and restrained. It could be saying that the bear who had been restrained is about to be unleashed, although I did not see that happening in the dream.

Reevaluate your life and values. Do you know your purpose on this Earth? If not, maybe it is time to find out. You can find answers through your dreams, but you must be willing to make the effort. Many books can provide help, but you must do the work on a daily basis to fully realize the benefits of dream interpretation.