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Friday, December 22, 2017

Dreams and Disease

In an October post, I wrote the following.

For many years, I have been helping my son deal with health problems. His condition was especially difficult because the doctors were unable to agree on a diagnosis. It has finally been resolved, thanks to a recurring dream he had. I will provide some history of his problems along with the role that his dream played in the final solution. Unfortunately, few physicians have any knowledge of dreams and the role they play in a person’s life. You must do the work yourself, but if you open yourself to this aspect of your life, you will find that solutions are there for every problem. You simply must know how to look.

About eight years ago, my son began experiencing symptoms that included numbness in his hands and feet, joint pain, weakness in his arms, excessive thirst, and frequent urination, as well as some other minor symptoms. His doctor ran tests for diabetes and many other possible diseases. However, the tests were negative for a specific disease, although the blood tests indicated a serious vitamin D deficiency and problem with his calcium level. His family doctor sent him to a specialist, who ran more tests and then sent him to another specialist. During the past eight years, he has seen an internal medicine specialist, neurologist, endocrinologist, and a rheumatologist. After many years of tests, he was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and was put on some medications. However, not everything he experienced seemed to fit that disease, so we continued our own research. We began to feel the diagnosis was not correct, and so did his rheumatologist. Something was going on in his body that had not yet been found, despite visits to nine different doctors.

Now, my son has followed my work with dreams over the years and read my book The Man Who Sees Tomorrow in His Dreams, but he did not see the study of dreams as a path he wanted to take. I continued to urge him to look at his dreams because I was convinced the answer to his health problems could be found there. This past year as his condition worsened, he began to pay attention to his dreams. He was scheduled for an appointment In October at the Mayo clinic because his doctor could not determine what was wrong. His wife had thought his neck was swollen, but the doctors didn’t see a problem. Anyhow, he began to have a recurring dream in which a voice said the answer is staring you right in the face. One day the light came on; he realized that he had been staring at his neck in the mirror each morning to see if there was swelling. He was convinced that the dream was telling him the problem was in his neck. So he went to see his rheumatologist and had her check his neck. She did think there was some swelling, and after his pleas, she agreed to order an ultrasound. When she got the results, she immediately sent him to a surgeon. He had a huge tumor on his thyroid gland.

A top surgeon removed his left thyroid the day before his previously scheduled appointment at the Mayo clinic, which was cancelled after the results of the ultrasound, and carefully checked his lymph nodes for any sign of cancer. A lab analysis was performed on the growth, revealing a cancer at its center. But they found no sign of cancer anywhere else. Now, I want to relate a dream that I had right before his surgery.

I dreamed that I was looking at the first car he had purchased on his own. In my mind, the car was strongly identified with him. In the dream, the car had been in bad condition and wasn’t running well at all, but it just came back from an auto shop where an overhaul had been done. I remarked that the car was now running better than it had in years; it was running like new. If you have read my books, you will know that the automobile often symbolizes the physical body in dreams. After the dream, I was convinced that his old energy would come back.

It has been two months since his surgery. A few days ago, we did some Christmas shopping together and talked for several hours over lunch. He said he now has energy he hasn’t had in eight years. Nearly all of his symptoms have gone. He still has some pain due to joint problems, which resulted from his calcium levels being completely off for many years. This is something that he has to deal with because of the many years of a serious imbalance in his body chemistry.

I think there are several observations and lessons here. First, physicians are not God. They rely on current medical knowledge and run known tests when trying to diagnose a problem, although it is very strange that none of the nine doctors thought to run an ultrasound on his neck in eight years. When we began to discuss his problems eight years earlier, our first thought was they were caused by a problem with his thyroid or parathyroid. But the doctors thought otherwise.

Your subconscious mind is aware of the condition of your physical body, and information concerning its condition can be obtained from your dreams. I have seen this repeatedly in my own dreams and have provided several examples in my books.

Recurring dreams are particularly important. The dream recurs because it has an important message that is not being received and understood. I believe that dreams provide one of the most important diagnostic tools available for health issues, but they are routinely ignored by both patient and attending physician alike. I was discussing my son’s experience with my family physician, and I asked her about her training in medical school concerning dreams. She said dreams were not covered at all.

My son has been paying attention to dreams and now has had insightful dreams related to other aspects of his life. Over the years, he listened to my thoughts and beliefs about dreams, but they were only words. Now, he knows because he has experienced the truth first hand. Help is close, but people don’t see it. They look everywhere else for answers except the one place where the answer is easily found—within ourselves.

Finding the truth requires some effort and a willingness to face yourself. It requires a willingness to see that you have created the life you live. This appears to be a difficult thing for people to do. Dreams provide daily guidance and answers for life’s problems, be we have to be willing to listen and act upon the guidance we receive.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Reflections on Hurricane Irma

I have several points to make in this post, but first I must say that I did have a very strong dream warning about Irma. Living in Florida, I always have a watchful eye on reports of hurricanes from late June through early November. During the last eight years, my time in Florida, I have not had any dreams of warning about hurricanes. I watched the news and followed the progress of many, but they did not become dangers to the surrounding area or me. Irma was different. A few days after it left the African coast and was reported as a potential major hurricane, I had a dream that was brief and to the point. In the dream, I looked east toward the Atlantic, and I saw a gigantic wall racing toward the coast. I was terrified when I saw the size of it, and in the dream, I said, “There is no avoiding this one. We are going to be hit. There is no escape.”

Irma was still several days away when I had the dream and its final path was not yet known. Now, at that point, I could have left Florida. However, family members, including my son, could not, so I decided to stay. Adequate shelters were available, in the event that I had to leave my home. We all watched its progress, wondering where it would affect Florida. At first, the meteorologists thought it would travel up the East Coast of Florida, but when it reached the Caribbean, it began to move farther west than expected before it turned north. Suddenly, where I live in Tampa Bay was in the target path. Many people decided to leave, but they faced a new problem. The Interstate going north was clogged with traffic of people trying to escape Irma, and gas stations along the Interstate ran out of gas. Fights became cancelled, and those still leaving were booked solid. When it finally became clear that Tampa Bay would be hit, there was no good escape route.

Major supermarkets like Publix were out of water several days before Irma hit. Other items like milk and mayonnaise also quickly disappeared from the shelves. Some batteries were available, but certain sizes were sold out. Local gas stations ran out of gas because they could not get deliveries. Fortunately, I had filled my gas tank right before the shortages developed.

Irma reached Tampa Bay Sunday late afternoon, and soon thereafter, I lost power. I was without power for exactly four days. A family member had power throughout the storm, so we all congregated there during the day. The Publix near me was closed for two days, and when it reopened, some items like water were unavailable. Items like baking soda and mayonnaise were completely sold out. Since people had to clean out their refrigerators because of the loss of power, baking soda was one of the first things people tried to purchase. And mayonnaise was good for sandwiches for quick meals.

Many people are now interested in digital currencies like Bitcoin. They may be fine if there is power, but everything changes when stores cannot process credit cards. On Tuesday after the storm, I went to the small shopping center near me where a Publix is located. Several restaurant are located there, and they were open for business. However, a few had cash only signs on their window. They could not process credit cards. This was the same situation at some of the gas stations.

The major damage in Tampa Bay was to power lines and trees. Several large palm trees were uprooted in my neighbors’ yards, and the sight was common throughout the area. In my neighborhood, the remaining debris from Irma has only been cleaned up this past week.

I think there are several things that I learned firsthand:

     First, and most important, my dream did warn me that Florida would be hit and there would be no escape. Irma managed to hit every major city in Florida before it left the state. Some people thought they were fleeing Irma by leaving the Miami area and going to Tampa Bay. They moved right into its path. The path a hurricane takes is unpredictable, and this one fooled the meteorologists.
     Be prepared well in advance of any hurricanes. I had plenty of water, but those who waited until the last minute had to drive around to find some. And if you don’t have gas for your car, you would be in trouble.
     If you wait until the hurricane path is certain, evacuating by car may not be feasible. You could sit in your car stalled in traffic for hours, and then you might run out of gas.
     Make certain you have flashlights, lanterns, batteries, etc., and that they are working. I had checked one of my lanterns a few weeks before Irma hit, but when my power went out, it did not work. Fortunately, I had backups.
     Keep extra supplies of items like toilet paper, baking soda, raisins, mayonnaise etc. These items began to disappear from some store shelves three days before the hurricane it.
     Make sure you have cash for incidentals, gas, and meals. Power outages affected some stores ability to process credit cards, and without cash, you may not get service.
     You may lose cellphone service. My cellphone service was sporadic at best. For hours at a time, I had no service. Fortunately, I had battery-operated radios for news updates.
     Of course, if you are on medication, make sure you have an adequate supply. If refrigeration is required, you may need backup power. Also, keep basic medical/personal hygiene items like Band-Aids, hydrogen peroxide, toothpaste, etc. on hand in an emergency kit. After the storm, I scraped my left arm and made good use of my medical supplies.

I believe as I have stated in previous posts that the weather is going to become much worse for the next ten years. This could mean larger storms, like Irma that dwarfed the entire state of Florida in size, stronger winds, greater amounts of rain like Harvey in Houston, and severe flooding. Also, weather is not just hotter; it is more extreme. I would not be surprised to see violent storms this winter in the northern part of the US.

I have collected my thoughts in this post as things to consider because I believe many people will experience violent weather conditions in the future. You must be prepared; if you wait, you will discover just how fast stores are stripped of goods. And all escape routes may be closed.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Future Posts

Future posts will deal with the following topics.

I live in Florida, and now the experience of hurricane Irma is over. However, I have several things to say about my experiences and the storm in relation to my dream life. I think what I learned will be of benefit to me in the future and will help others prepare for difficult times ahead.

For many years, I have been helping my son deal with health problems. His condition was especially difficult because the doctors were unable to agree on a diagnosis. It has finally been resolved, thanks to a recurring dream he had. I will provide some history of his problems along with the role that his dream played in the final solution. Unfortunately, few physicians have any knowledge of dreams and the role they play in a person’s life. You must do the work yourself, but if you open yourself to this aspect of your life, you will find that solutions are there for every problem. You simply must know how to look.

The stock market is still surging ever higher. However, my last dream concerning the market, which was about a month ago, showed a very dangerous situation similar to the conditions before the 1929 crash. It is not possible to say to what heights the euphoria will drive the market, but the higher it goes without corresponding increases in profits, the more severe the correction is likely to be. I would be happy to say that the market is on a new bull run and things changed so that the crash indicated in my previous dreams is not going to happen if I now saw this in my dreams. However, I have not had any dreams showing this to be the case. If things change, you will see it in a post.

President Trump seems to believe the destruction due to hurricanes Harvey and Irma are anomalies, but I do not think this is the case. I believe budgets for many countries will be strained to the limit as the financial impact of climate change takes its toll. 

Many people believe the changes in the tax laws will provide the impetus for greater growth. Perhaps they are right, but I have yet to see numbers that make sense. I see growing budget deficits with decreases in spending for social programs. The government numbers indicate there is little inflation, but rents and house prices are soaring. Consumer debt is back at levels right before the last crash. 

Monday, August 28, 2017

Houston and a Previous Post About Weather

I think we are all following the tragedy in Houston and far-reaching effects of hurricane Harvey. The amount of rain is considered unprecedented. Unfortunately, I think we are going to see this type of event become more common in countries around the world. If you have not read my earlier post concerning weather changes over the next ten to fifteen years, I suggest you look at the post titled A Dream About Edgar Cayce and Climate Change dated August 18, 2015, which is in the archive.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Dreams Versus Drugs

Recent news reports about the seriousness of the opioid epidemic are getting attention at the highest levels of government. I am not going to discuss the politics or actions that the government might or should take. Instead, in this post, I am going to focus on what I see as two very different approaches to dealing with life’s problems: working with guidance from dreams and the use of drugs.

If you have read my books or have followed my posts, you already know that I think working with guidance from one’s dreams is a far better way to solve personal problems than the use of drugs, even if prescribed by a physician. There is no shortcut to self-awareness or for finding solutions to life’s problems. We must do the work. And for those who are drug dependent that work will still be there when the effect of the drugs wears off. Their work may be even greater because they have introduced an artificial means to help themselves feel good and now must face the dangers and side effects of the drugs, as well as the original problems. And, of course, they have to pay for the drugs.

Dreams provide a safe way to understand yourself and help you find solutions to even the most difficult problems. When you work with your dreams, there is no withdrawal, no side effect, no addiction, and no financial cost.

There is no drug high that you can experience that you cannot experience in a safe way through true self-awareness. However, there is no shortcut to a mystical experience; tragedy awaits you if you try. You must do the work of resolving each issue that clouds your vision until you see clearly; no one else can do it for you and no chemical is a substitute.

We live in a society that seems obsessed with immediate gratification. The desire for fast food, quick casual sex, and expectations for immediate wealth attest to this. Many who struggle with obesity would like to lose weight by simply taking a pill so they can continue to eat whatever they want. The cry is for a simple, quick fix for every problem.

Guidance from your dreams does not provide an immediate solution to all your problems. Time and effort are required to understand the dream messages and then apply in daily life what you have learned. I do not think the effort required is beyond most people’s capabilities, but a daily consistent effort is required. The rewards are enormous, but you must do the work.

Recently, I received a message from someone via Twitter asking for an interpretation for a dream. I do not interpret other people’s dreams. The purpose of my books and posts is to help you interpret your own dreams because only you can really know the full meaning of the dream and all of its symbols. I do not sell or charge for any kind of prescription service. My books are for sale, but I do not sell anything else.

The synthetic drugs like fentanyl that are finding their way into the market are particularly dangerous. The human body has no experience with such drugs and does not know how to handle them. Drug overdoses and deaths are occurring at an alarming rate as bodies shut down from the onslaught of such drugs. If you are drug free, but someone you know is dependent on drugs, encourage him or her to seek help immediately. In addition to counseling and group programs, longer-term help is available through meditation and dream interpretation for those overwhelmed by problems. Heroin and opioids are not the way and only make existing problems much worse.

I hear stories of people taking drugs because of a breakup with a partner or a failure in a job or school. Whatever happened to facing problems and working through them? Technology has helped us in many ways, but it has also given us better ways to destroy ourselves. Humankind seems to be in a race between using technology to solve the its problems and using technology to destroy itself. 

During my lifetime, I have faced challenges that I believe were as great as the challenges faced by many people who regularly use drugs to cope with their problems. However, I did not turn to tranquilizers or other drugs of any kind. The reason is simple: I had a better way. I was fortunate in finding a better way through my search for answers and my study of metaphysics and mysticism. My books and posts is my way of sharing what has helped me find the better path. I believe the answer lies in education, and in my own way, I am trying to provide some of that education.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

A Dream About Gold

In the early morning on July 24, I had a very clear dream that involved a meeting with a colleague at Kodak, the company from which I retired. I am not going to give the details of the dream, but I believe the dream indicated there will be a sudden, huge move in the gold market in the near future. Often the time of occurrence of a future event is not indicated in a dream. However, in this one, the business colleague who was integral to the message said it would be soon.

If my dream of last night was my only one related to the gold market, I might not post this yet. However, more than a year ago, I had a brief dream in which a man whispered a message about the future price of gold. That message is consistent with my interpretation of this latest dream.

I think this event may be related to my dreams about the stock market. Perhaps, some event causes major moves in both the gold market and the stock market. Or maybe one market influences the other. In this recent dream about gold, part of it seemed to indicate the move related to currency exchange rates. In a previous post, I said I do not think we will have to wait long to see if my dream about a stock market crash was precognitive. I have a date in mind, but I am not confident enough to post it. 

I realize that the stock market continues to be strong and is making new highs daily, although warnings about the potential for a large selloff are becoming more frequent. Often, just before a collapse in a market, there is a strong spike, so I would not be surprised to see more highs in the short term.

I am not a financial advisor and I am not suggesting that someone reading this take any specific action. My purpose in providing dream messages about future events that are potentially global in nature is to show that such events do not just spring from nowhere at some moment in time, but they are registered on a subconscious level long before we become consciously aware. Unfortunately, if I only discussed dreams that related to my own personal future, I think few people would be interested and even fewer convinced that dreams provide the answers that we all seek. When people become aware that dreams can provide financial guidance and insights about Earth changes, often in the way of warnings, they begin to pay attention. Hopefully, more people will begin to investigate dreams and discover their purpose and potential. Maybe then, they will see that dreams can lead them to better and more fulfilling lives.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Why We Have Dreams about the Future

I am going to focus in this post on why we have dreams that relate to the future. They may be dreams about some person we meet in the future, an illness not yet visible, an opportunity not yet seen, or a global event such as climate change. First, I want to repeat something I stated in an earlier post, which is the relative infrequency of dreams of global events. Most of our dreams relate to our personal lives in some way and do not extend beyond the sphere of family, friends, and coworkers. Very few of the psychic readings of the even famous psychic Edgar Cayce, who is often regarded as a prophet, related to global events. Most related to the individual for whom the reading was given.

I believe we have certain dreams about the future for several reasons. First, during the course of the day, and especially right before falling asleep, we may be thinking about some aspect of our future or the broader future such as for the economy. Our conscious focus triggers a subconscious response in the way of a dream, which may provide an answer to our concerns. As an example, if I am single, I may despair about ever meeting someone with whom I can share my life. If you have spent the day obsessing about this, you might have a dream that shows you with someone you do not now know, but will later meet as your future partner.

The subconscious is part of a universal consciousness and can receive information from an unlimited number of sources. It is not restricted by time or space. Your subconscious filters out most of the information it receives and does not pass it to your conscious mind through a dream. However, if you consciously seek some answer related to the future, the subconscious will reveal the answer based on current conditions and pass it to your conscious mind in a dream. Your conscious desire is the trigger for the dream. This applies to your personal life as well as for global events.

Another reason for a dream about a future event relates to the unconscious mind and its purpose. You have entered this life with a purpose, and your conscious choices may be taking you in the wrong direction. The subconscious creates a dream with a message that is intended to steer you into a direction consistent with your soul’s purpose. Sometimes the message is subtle, and other times it comes as a stern reprimand.

Still other reasons for dreams of the future involve warnings and missed opportunities. If something in the future is a threat or danger, your subconscious sees the threat and creates a dream containing a warning. If dreams of warning are ignored, catastrophic results can occur. Also, sometimes we are shown the future we could experience, but are not experiencing, if we lived up to our potential. The dreams are provided as encouragement to more fully utilize abilities we possess.

Anything the unconscious mind thinks we need to know about the future will find its way into a dream, if the unconscious thinks that is the right way to inform us. However, the dream may not be remembered upon awakening, so the message may be lost. If the subconscious considers it important enough, the message is repeated in different ways in further dreams until we do remember them and get the message.

Dreams of the future can relate to the next day, or they can concern an event many years into the future. When I was thirteen or fourteen, I had an extremely vivid, powerful dream that showed me the entire course my life would take. Now in retirement, I realize that my life has evolved exactly as depicted in the dream. However, most of my dreams about the future relate to the next day. 

When interpreting your dreams, you may have a tendency to see events depicted in the future as happening soon—within days or weeks at the most. Often this is the case, but time to the subconscious mind is not the same as to the conscious mind. The subconscious may see an event as a certainty and show it as occurring in a dream, but in our material word, the event may be years or even decades away. 

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Precognitive Dreams and Time

In precognitive dreams, time can be an elusive element. If you dream about something happening as a future event, often no date for the occurrence is provided. However, sometimes a specific time may be provided such as when a voice says something like the following: this will happen in thirty days or by the end of the month. The event can also be linked to another event, and the event of concern may occur shortly after the other event occurs. 

The lack of a predicted time can be a frustrating thing to experience. I have had dreams where a specific date was provided for the predicted event, and I have had dreams in which no date was provided for the predicted event. Once I dreamed a health-related event would occur in ninety days, and it happened in exactly ninety days. Another time I dreamed about food shortages beginning in China in three years (the dream occurred in April of 2015), a date that is fast approaching. However, when I dreamed about major storms hitting South Carolina, a date was not provided. The actual storms occurred a little over five months after my dream. 

Last year in July, almost one year ago, I dreamed the stock market would crash. A date for this event was not provided. Obviously, this has not yet happened yet. Also, in my posted dream about seeing a graph of the unemployment rate, no time scale was shown for the graph. I could only see the steady decline, which has occurred, followed by a steep increase from the bottom, which has not yet occurred. 

Over the years, I have had many dreams about future personal events, and usually I will experience their occurrence within a few weeks. However, this may only be my perception. Perhaps, other events that will not occur until years into the future were forgotten because nothing occurred within a few weeks or months. I know that some of the events shown in my precognitive dreams about future personal events did not occur for several years. 

I believe we are shown things in dreams a certain way for a reason. When time is not provided, perhaps it is not yet known. Or maybe the higher mind wants the dreamer to spend some time exploring the possibilities along with potential ramifications. I have spent considerable time contemplating the possibilities for my dreams about the stock market and the graph of the unemployment rate. At the time of the dreams, I believe the events indicated were likely events. Whether or not they actually occur is still an open question. However, I do not think we will have to wait much longer for an answer.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

New Book Now Available

The paperback version of my latest book, A Prophetic Dreamer’s Reflections on Life, is now available on The Kindle version will be available within two weeks. Availability of the paperback version through other sales channels such as bookstores and other online retailers can take up to eight more weeks.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

About New Book Available Soon

My latest book titled A Prophetic Dreamer’s Reflections on Life will be available soon. I will post an update when I have a firm date. In this book, through a collection of short essays, I offer my perspective on many aspects of ordinary life. The essays represent my views, greatly affected by my beliefs, which in turn are influenced by over forty-five years of meditation and working with my dreams. 

My views have evolved through my life experiences, as well as my inner work with meditation and dreams. In the essays, I reveal my thoughts about topics such as belief, reality, the inner voice, the duality of time, fear of the self, personal responsibility, true aloneness, seeing the future, and faith. Although the collection of essays is not a book about dreams, I often propose using guidance from dreams as a way out of the dilemmas many people face in their daily existence. 

A few of the topics have also been discussed in my previous books about dreams, but most of the material is not covered in those previous works. However, I have tried to show the connection between my experience with dreams and my current beliefs that led to the views expressed in the essays.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Dreams about Impending Death

In my books, I have provided some common examples of dreams of impending death. Recently, I have thought about a few others that are not included in my books, but I believe are also dreams of an impending death. The first relates to an actual encounter that occurred many years ago with a co-worker, and the second involves an encounter in a dream with a co-worker. 

In both cases, other interpretations are possible, and dreams like these could represent something other than an impending death. People who have such dreams have to evaluate the possibilities based on current conditions and their own dream associations. 

The individual in the first example was a man who worked in the company’s manufacturing department. Occasionally, he would pass my office and strike up a conversation. One day I learned that he had some health problems that the doctors were having difficulty diagnosing. During subsequent discussions, he would update me on his progress. Then one day he came by my office to tell me about a strange dream he had experienced the previous night. (He was not aware of my work with dreams.) He said that in the dream he was walking up a spiral staircase to a higher level. He asked me what I thought it meant, but I did not comment. A short time later, he passed away.

In the second dream, which occurred last year, I was in the supermarket I had worked in as a part-time employee while in high school and college. I encountered a co-worker, who was also a friend. In the dream, I said I was glad to see him and wanted to talk with him. However, he said he could not stay and had to leave. He then abruptly left. 

I had not seen him or spoken to him since his graduation from college. We attended the same university; he graduated a few years before me and then joined the military.  So I was curious about his presence in a dream fifty years later. The answer soon came when I received the latest alumni news a few months later. I learned that he had passed away around the time of my dream.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

A Dream About Weather

A week ago, I had a dream that appeared to be about weather. I say appeared to be because that would be a literal interpretation. I think there is also another interpretation that I will describe.

In the dream, I saw a large map. First, my attention was focused on England and surrounding area. A voice said the weather would gradually worsen. My attention was then drawn to the United States. I saw a mixture of colors that were reddish (closer to lavender) in a band extending from north to south in an area that appeared to be around the middle of the country. The band seemed to be moving east. I think there was another band of some type by the West Coast, but I did not focus on it. My attention then focused on the East Coast and a band of green that extended from Maine to the tip of Florida.

If you look up the color codes for weather advisories, there are several possibilities. The reddish colors I saw in the middle of the country seemed closest to the code for extreme wind. And the green band that covered the East Coast would signify a flood warning. Flood effects of climate change are already being felt in areas like Miami Beach.

If we discount the literal interpretation, then we have to think about the possible symbolic meaning of storms and weather related events. England is certainly experiencing some political turmoil due to BREXIT, which appears to be spreading to Ireland. The United States is also experiencing political turmoil due to Donald Trump’s election as President and early decisions. However, I am having some difficulty understanding the color bands and their locations in that context. While the East Coast may represent a different political and economic climate than the middle parts of the US, Donald Trump did receive support in some key East Coast states.

There is a third possibility that the dream relates to my internal states, but I cannot make sense out of the dream in this context.

I think the meaning of the dream will become clear in time. My current feeling is that it is a literal preview of future effects of climate change. I believe the weather will worsen as indicated in some earlier dreams and we will begin to see flooding along the East Coast and violent wind storms in the mid-sections of the country.