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Friday, October 31, 2014

Discovering Your Soul's Purpose Through Dreams

You can discover your soul’s purpose through your dreams. Some of you, as I did, may have questioned why you are here. You may have asked yourself: What is my purpose in being on this earth? What am I supposed to do? 

The answer may not be simple and may involve your family members, friends, and occupation, as well as how you view life and deal with challenges in your life. So don’t expect a single dream to give you the answer. You may have several dreams with a bearing on what you came here to accomplish. 

In my case, I had several past life dreams that had a direct bearing on my current life. They provided insight into my personality and interaction with other people. They explained why I had certain issues in my earlier years that are described in detail in The Man Who Sees Tomorrow in His Dreams. As such, they showed me the lessons I needed to learn and challenges to overcome. 

My purpose also involved other people, and one dream in particular showed me how I should view my interaction with these individuals. Finally, I had a single dream in which a loud voice said, “Do you really want to know your purpose?” I answered yes in the dream, and I was immediately shown an image of myself performing a certain task. I now had the answer concerning another aspect of my life’s work. 

All of the dreams mentioned occurred early in my work with dreams. They provided the answers and meaning for my life. 

Any of you can receive the same help, but you must really want to know. And you must be willing to accept the answers that you receive. They may not correspond to what your ego thinks or expects, and may even make you uncomfortable, especially if you are on the wrong path. 

You may discover you are in the wrong occupation, or are not properly utilizing important talents and abilities. You may find that the people who you think are a curse were chosen by you for interaction in this life to work out issues from past lives. 

No one else can provide the answers for you; the life you live is yours and only you can uncover your true destiny. I only point out that the tools are there and the answers can be found. But only you can decide if it is important enough for you to persevere in uncovering the wisdom found in your dreams.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Comments on the Value of Dreams for Daily Living

I am going to discuss finding your soul’s purpose through dreams. But before doing that, in this post I am going to make some general comments concerning the value of dreams.

One of the motivating factors in my decision to write my book was my reflection on the incredible misery that I saw every day, much of which could have been avoided if people were in touch with their inner selves. Through our accepted five senses, we experience the material world in a variety of ways, but this does not provide the complete picture. To see the complete picture we need to listen to our inner selves, which are revealed through intuition, dreams, and visions.

If we cut ourselves off from our inner selves, we live incomplete, limited lives. This has been realized by many throughout history, and the work of Carl Jung made clear the importance of dreams in particular. 

I am amazed that many people who have a religious orientation may pray to God for help, for answers, when a crisis arises, but never think about how they will receive the answer. They never think to turn to their dreams for an answer, despite the fact that God often spoke to man through dreams in the bible. 

Of course, meditation is another way to receive an answer, but that is often neglected as well. We are good at talking, but not very good at listening. 

I have found that the answers are there for every problem, if we learn how to listen. My own struggles of how I learned to listen are described in my memoir. Although often implemented imperfectly, I still received tremendous benefit in the way of better health, career satisfaction, financial independence, solutions to daily problems, as well as direction from several clear dreams dealing with my soul’s purpose. I know exactly why I am here and what I need to do. 

I find it painful to see people in turmoil when I believe the answers they seek are easily within their reach. They are often willing to stand in line for days to get the latest iPhone or bargain during Black Friday, but not willing to read a book or spend a small amount of time each day reflecting on their dreams, which could end their turmoil and provide a sense of direction. They are obsessed by the material: clothing, gadgets, and technology, and only look outward when the answers are found looking inward. 

We live in an age of instant gratification. When people do think about guidance from dreams, they usually want a dream to simply give them all the answers, and then be done with it so they can do something else. The discovery of oneself is a lifelong process and cannot be achieved through a single dream as spiritual fast food. 

In my next posting, I will deal more explicitly with dreams of your soul’s purpose. For now, I want to make the point that to find your soul’s purpose through your dreams you have to be sincere in your desire to find it. You can’t dabble with a dream from time to time and expect to get the answers to the reasons for your very existence on this earth. And you must be willing to act upon the guidance you receive. 

I hope to get back to some regular postings of a few times a week.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Interview on WGSO New Orleans

Today, at 10:30 CST, I was interviewed on WGSO 990 AM New Orleans. This was one of the better interviews in terms of the questions asked.